Overt is valid Scrabble Word

Is overt a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is overt valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OVERT in dictionary:

Words related to OVERT

overtly13 overtness12

Words that contain OVERT

covert11 coverts12 overtax17 overtip12 overtly13 overtop12 poverty15 covertly16 overtake15 overtalk15 overtame13 overtart11 overtask15 overteem13 overthin14 overtime13 overtips13 overtire11 overtoil11 overtone11 overtook15 overtops13 overtrim13 overtrip13 overture11 overturn11 overtype16 coverter13 coverture14 discovert15 extrovert19 introvert12 overtaken16 overtakes16 overtalks16 overtasks16 overtaxed20 overtaxes19 overteach17 overteems14 overthick21 overthink19 overthrew18 overthrow18 overtight16 overtimed15 overtimer14 overtimes14 overtimid15 overtired13 overtires12 overtness12 overtoils12 overtones12 overtower15 overtrade13 overtrain12 overtreat12 overtrick18 overtrims14 overtrips14 overtrump16 overtrust12 overtured13 overtures12 overturns12 overtyped18 overtypes17 poverties14 retrovert12 covertest14 overthins15 controvert15 covertness15 covertures15 extroverts20 hovertrain16 introverts13 overtaking18 overtalked18 overtasked18 overtaught17 overtaxing21 overteemed16 overthinks20 overthrown19 overthrows19 overthrust16 overthwart19 overtimely18 overtimers15 overtiming16 overtipped18 overtiring14 overtoiled14 overtopped18 overtowers16 overtraded15 overtrades14 overtrains13 overtreats13 Show more ...

How to use OVERT in a sentence

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