Ure is valid Scrabble Word

Is ure a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ure valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for URE in dictionary:

Words related to URE

aurochs12 ures4

Words that contain URE

cure6 dure5 iure4 jure11 lure4 mure6 pure6 sure4 urea4 ures4 alure5 aurei5 aures5 azure14 buret7 coure7 cured8 curer7 cures7 curet7 dured7 dures6 emure7 enure5 inure5 jurel12 jures12 loure5 lured6 lurer5 lures5 lurex12 mured8 mures7 murex14 pured8 puree7 purer7 pures7 sture5 sured6 surer5 sures5 ureal5 ureas5 uredo6 ureic7 urena5 urent5 usure5 ureid6 abjure15 acture8 adjure14 allure6 alures6 armure8 assure6 aureus6 avoure9 azures15 bureau8 burets8 cesure8 colure8 conure8 coured9 coures8 curers8 curets8 daured8 demure9 dourer7 duress7 emured9 emures8 endure7 ensure6 enured7 enures6 eureka10 faurer9 figure10 fixure16 fureur9 future9 immure10 impure10 injure13 insure6 inured7 inures6 jurels13 laurel6 ligure7 loured7 loures6 lurers6 manure8 mature8 murein8 Show more ...

How to use URE in a sentence

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