Uncover is valid Scrabble Word

Is uncover a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is uncover valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for UNCOVER in dictionary:

Words related to UNCOVER

uncovered15 uncovering16 uncovers13 unshroud12

Words that contain UNCOVER

uncovers13 uncovered15 uncovering16

How to use UNCOVER in a sentence

Similar words containing COV without suffix er and without prefix un

cov8 cove9 coved11 coven10 cover10 coves10 covet10 covey13 covin10 alcove11 covary14 covens11 covent11 covers11 covert11 covets11 coveys14 covine11 coving12 covins11 covyne14 alcoved13 alcoves12 covelet12 covents12 covered13 coverer12 coverts12 coverup14 coveted13 coveter12 covines12 covings13 covynes15 muscovy17 recover12 covfefe18 bedcover16 covalent13 covaried14 covaries13 covelets13 covenant13 coverage14 coverall13 coverers13 covering14 coverlet13 coverlid14 coversed14 covertly16 coverups15 coveters13 coveting14 covetise13 covetous13 covinous13 discover14 recovers13 recovery16 uncovers13 coverter13 bedcovers17 covalence16 covalency19 covariant14 covariate14 covarying18 covelline14 covellite14 covenants14 coverable16 coverages15 coveralls14 coverings15 coverless14 coverlets14 coverlids15 coversine14 coverslip16 coverture14 covetable16 covetises14 discovers15 discovert15 discovery18 dustcover15 hardcover18 muscovado17 muscovite16 mycovirus19 oncovirus14 overcover17 patercove16 recovered15 recoveree14 recoverer14 recoveror14 slipcover16 softcover17 Show more ...
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