Trapping is valid Scrabble Word

Is trapping a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is trapping valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TRAPPING in dictionary:

Words related to TRAPPING

trap6 trapped12 trappings14 traps7 trapt7

Words that contain TRAPPING

strapping14 trappings14 attrapping15 entrapping15 strappings15 unstrapping16 livetrapping20 bootstrapping20 mousetrapping20 mousetrappings21 understrapping20

How to use TRAPPING in a sentence

Similar words containing TRAPP without suffix ing

trappy13 strappy14 trapped12 trapper11 strapped13 strapper12 trappean12 trappers12 trappier12 trappose12 trappous12 attrapped14 entrapped14 entrapper13 strappado14 strappers13 strappier13 strapping14 trappiest13 trappings14 untrapped14 attrapping15 entrappers14 entrapping15 strappados15 strappiest14 strappings15 trappiness14 unstrapped15 livetrapped19 strappadoed17 strappadoes16 unstrapping16 bootstrapped19 claptrappery23 contrapposto18 livetrapping20 mousetrapped19 strappadoing18 trappinesses16 bootstrapper18 bootstrapping20 contrappostos19 mousetrapping20 understrapper18 bootstrappers19 claptrapperies22 mousetrappings21 understrappers19 understrapping20
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