Transomed is valid Scrabble Word

Is transomed a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is transomed valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TRANSOMED in dictionary:

Words related to TRANSOMED


Similar words containing OM without suffix ed and without prefix trans

om4 dom6 hom8 mom7 nom5 oma5 oms5 oom5 pom7 rom5 som5 tom5 vom8 yom8 atom6 boma8 bomb10 boom8 coma8 comb10 come8 comm10 comp10 coms8 coom8 dome7 doms7 domy10 doom7 from9 glom7 homa9 home9 homo9 homs9 homy12 jomo13 loma6 lome6 loom6 mome8 momi8 moms8 noma6 nome6 noms6 omas6 ombu8 omen6 omer6 omit6 omov9 ooms6 pome8 pomo8 pomp10 poms8 prom8 roma6 romp8 roms6 room6 soma6 some6 soms6 somy9 soom6 tomb8 tome6 tomo6 toms6 toom6 voms9 whom12 womb11 yomp11 zoom15 fomo9 poma8 aboma9 anomy10 aroma7 atoms7 atomy10 axiom14 besom9 biome9 bisom9 bloom9 bomas9 bombe11 bombo11 bombs11 booms9 boomy12 bosom9 brome9 bromo9 broom9 buxom16 carom9 celom9 chomp14 choom12 clomb11 clomp11 comae9 comal9 comas9 combe11 combi11 combo11 combs11 comby14 comer9 comes9 comet9 comfy15 comic11 comix16 comma11 commo11 comms11 commy14 compo11 comps11 compt11 comte9 comus9 coomb11 cooms9 coomy12 cromb11 crome9 domal8 domed9 domes8 domic10 dooms8 doomy11 drome8 dsomo8 duomi8 duomo8 fomes10 genom8 gloms8 gloom8 gnome8 gombo10 gomer8 gompa10 groma8 groom8 haoma10 homas10 homed11 homer10 homes10 homey13 homie10 homme12 homos10 idiom8 jomon14 jomos14 kombu13 lomas7 lomed8 lomes7 looms7 momes9 momma11 mommy14 momus9 myoma12 ngoma8 nomad8 nomas7 nomen7 nomes7 nomic9 nomoi7 nomos7 omasa7 omber9 ombre9 ombus9 omega8 omens7 omers7 omits7 omlah10 omovs10 omrah10 oomph12 pombe11 pomes9 pommy14 pomos9 pomps11 promo9 proms9 rhomb12 romal7 roman7 romeo7 romps9 rooms7 roomy10 slomo7 sloom7 sodom8 soman7 somas7 sooms7 spoom9 stoma7 stomp9 toman7 tombs9 tomes7 tomia7 tommy12 tomos7 tooms7 tromp9 venom10 vomer10 vomit10 vroom10 whomp15 woman10 wombs12 womby15 women10 womyn13 yomim12 yomps12 zhomo19 zombi18 zooms16 eprom9 romas7 exome14 womas10 abloom10 abomas10 addoom10 amomum12 ancome10 anomic10 anomie8 apedom11 aplomb12 aromas8 atomic10 awsome11 axioms15 bazoom19 become12 besoms10 biomes10 bisoms10 blooms10 bloomy13 bombax19 bombed13 bomber12 bombes12 bombos12 bombyx22 bommie12 boomed11 boomer10 bosoms10 bosomy13 bottom10 bromal10 bromes10 bromic12 bromid11 bromin10 bromos10 brooms10 broomy13 byroom13 caeoma10 caroms10 carrom10 celoms10 chomps15 chooms13 chroma13 chrome13 chromo13 chromy16 cleome10 clomps12 coelom10
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