Combs is valid Scrabble Word

Is combs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is combs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COMBS in dictionary:

Words related to COMBS

comb10 combed13 combing14

Words that contain COMBS

recombs13 coxcombs23 backcombs23 catacombs17 beachcombs23 cockscombs24 currycombs21 honeycombs22 toothcombs19 whitecombs22

How to use COMBS in a sentence

Similar words containing MB without suffix s and without prefix co

ambo8 bomb10 comb10 dumb9 gamb9 iamb8 jamb15 kemb12 lamb8 limb8 nimb8 numb8 ombu8 tomb8 umbo8 wemb11 womb11 zimb17 amban9 amber9 ambit9 amble9 ambos9 ambry12 bambi11 bimbo11 bombe11 bombo11 bombs11 bumbo11 chimb14 climb11 clomb11 combe11 combi11 combo11 comby14 coomb11 cromb11 crumb11 dimbo10 dumbo10 dumbs10 embar9 embay12 embed10 ember9 embog10 embow12 embox16 embus9 gamba10 gambe10 gambo10 gambs10 gombo10 gumbo10 hamba12 himbo12 iambi9 iambs9 imbar9 imbed10 imbue9 jambe16 jambo16 jambs16 jambu16 jembe16 jumbo16 jumby19 kembo13 kembs13 kimbo13 kombu13 lambs9 lamby12 limba9 limbi9 limbo9 limbs9 limby12 lumbi9 mamba11 mambo11 mbira9 neemb9 nimbi9 nimbs9 numbs9 omber9 ombre9 ombus9 plumb11 pombe11 rhomb12 rhumb12 rumba9 rumbo9 samba9 Show more ...
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