Ambo is valid Scrabble Word

Is ambo a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ambo valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for AMBO in dictionary:

Words related to AMBO

ambones11 ambos9

Words that contain AMBO

ambos9 gambo10 jambo16 mambo11 sambo9 zambo18 bamboo12 crambo12 gambol11 gambos11 jambok21 mambos12 sambos10 zambos19 jambos17 amboina11 ambones11 amboyna14 bamboos13 camboge14 crambos13 gamboes12 gamboge13 gambols12 hambone14 jamboks22 jambone18 jambool18 lamboys14 mamboed14 mamboes13 samboes11 sjambok22 spambot13 tambour11 amboinas12 amboynas15 camboges15 cambogia15 camboose14 cramboes14 damboard14 gamboges14 gambogic16 gamboled14 hamboned16 hambones15 jambolan19 jambones19 jambools19 jamboree19 mamboing15 roshambo15 sjamboks23 spambots14 tamboura12 tambours12 zambomba25 bamboozle24 cambogias16 cambooses15 carambola15 carambole15 damboards15 dreamboat14 framboise16 gambogian15 gamboling15 gambolled15 hamboning17 jambokked29 jambolana20 jambolans20 jamborees20 rocambole15 roshambos16 shambolic18 sjamboked25 steamboat13 tambouras13 tamboured14 tambourer13 tambourin13 zambombas26 zamboorak26 amboceptor18 ambosexual21 bamboozled26 bamboozler25 bamboozles25 carambolas16 caramboled17 caramboles16 dreamboats15 flamboyant20 framboesia17 framboises17 gambolling16 jambokking30 jambolanas21 rocamboles16 Show more ...

How to use AMBO in a sentence

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