Nomen is valid Scrabble Word

Is nomen a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is nomen valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for NOMEN in dictionary:

Words related to NOMEN

nim5 nomens8 nomina8

Words that contain NOMEN

nomens8 agnomen10 agnomens11 cognomen13 prenomen12 cognomens14 phenomena16 praenomen13 prenomens13 xenomenia18 phaenomena17 phenomenal17 phenomenas17 phenomenon17 praenomens14 xenomenias19 nomenclator15 phaenomenon18 phenomenise18 phenomenism20 phenomenist18 phenomenize27 phenomenons18 epiphenomena21 nomenclative19 nomenclators16 nomenclature16 nomenklatura18 phenomenally22 phenomenised20 phenomenises19 phenomenisms21 phenomenists19 phenomenized29 phenomenizes28 epiphenomenal22 epiphenomenon22 nomenclatural17 nomenclatures17 nomenklaturas19 phenomenalise20 phenomenalism22 phenomenalist20 phenomenality23 phenomenalize29 phenomenising21 phenomenizing30 phenomenology24 nomenclatorial18 phenomenalised22 phenomenalises21 phenomenalisms23 phenomenalists21 phenomenalized31 phenomenalizes30 superphenomena23 epiphenomenally27 phenomenalising23 phenomenalistic24 phenomenalities22 phenomenalizing32 phenomenologies23 phenomenologist23 proslambanomene23 superphenomenon24 epiphenomenalis24 phenomenologica25 phenomenologists24 phenomenological26 epiphenomenalism27 epiphenomenalisms28 phenomenologically31 phenomenalistically31

How to use NOMEN in a sentence

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