Hom is valid Scrabble Word

Is hom a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hom valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HOM in dictionary:

Words related to HOM

homa9 homs9

Words that contain HOM

homa9 home9 homo9 homs9 homy12 whom12 chomp14 homas10 homed11 homer10 homes10 homey13 homie10 homme12 homos10 rhomb12 whomp15 zhomo19 chomps15 fathom14 homage12 hombre13 homely14 homers11 homeys14 homier11 homies11 homily14 homing12 hominy14 hommes13 hommos13 rehome11 rhombi13 rhombs13 whomps16 whomso14 zhomos20 chometz23 chommie16 chomped17 chomper16 dishome13 fathoms15 homaged14 homager13 homages13 hombres14 homburg15 homeboy17 homelyn15 homered13 homeric14 homiest12 homines12 homings13 hominid13 hominin12 hommock20 homolog13 homonym17 homosex19 nonhome12 rehomed13 rehomes12 rhombic16 rhomboi14 rhombos14 rhombus14 skyhome19 whomble17 whommle17 whomped18 bonhomie15 chommies17 chompers17 chomping18 dishomed15 dishomes14 fathomed17 fathomer16 homagers14 homaging15 homaloid14 homburgs16 homebird16 homebody19 homeboys18 homebred16 homebrew18 homefelt16 homegirl14 homeland14 homeless13 homelier13 homelike17 homelily16 homelyns16 homemade16 homeobox22 homeoses13 Show more ...

How to use HOM in a sentence

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