Som is valid Scrabble Word

Is som a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is som valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SOM in dictionary:

Words related to SOM

soms6 somy9

Words that contain SOM

soma6 some6 soms6 somy9 besom9 bisom9 bosom9 dsomo8 soman7 somas7 awsome11 besoms10 bisoms10 bosoms10 bosomy13 disomy12 dsomos9 hansom11 isomer8 jetsom15 jissom15 lissom8 ransom8 somans8 somata8 somber10 sombre10 somite8 somoni8 ugsome9 airsome9 awesome12 beesome11 besomed12 blossom11 bosomed12 bucksom17 chrisom14 disomic12 embosom13 episome11 eyesome12 fulsome12 gaysome13 hansoms12 holesom12 imbosom13 irksome13 isomere9 isomers9 jetsoms16 jissoms16 lissome9 noisome9 noysome12 ownsome12 oxysome19 prosoma11 ransoms9 somatic11 sombers11 sombred12 sombrer11 sombres11 someday13 somehow15 someone9 someway15 somewhy18 somital9 somites9 somitic11 somnial9 somonis9 toylsom12 toysome12 transom9 trisome9 trisomy12 twasome12 twosome12 unbosom11 urosome9 waesome12 wagsome13 winsome12 woesome12 acrosome12 autosome10 besoming13 blossoms12 blossomy15 boresome12 bosomier12 bosoming13 capsomer14 chrisoms15 cloysome15 consomme14 cytosome15 darksome15 Show more ...

How to use SOM in a sentence

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