Dei is valid Scrabble Word

Is dei a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dei valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for DEI in dictionary:

Words related to DEI


Words that contain DEI

deid6 deif8 deil5 deice8 deids7 deify12 deign7 deils6 deism8 deist6 deity9 sdein6 codeia9 codein9 deiced10 deicer9 deices9 deider8 deifer10 deific12 deigns8 deisms9 deists7 deixes14 deixis14 fadein10 sdeign8 sdeins7 codeias10 codeina10 codeine10 codeins10 deicers10 deicide11 deicing11 deictic12 deidest9 deifest11 deified12 deifier11 deifies11 deiform13 deigned10 deindex16 deiseal8 deistic10 deities8 fadeins11 fideism13 fideist11 hordein11 jadeite15 madeira10 sdeigne9 sdeigns9 sdeined9 undeify14 bandeira11 codeinas11 codeines11 deicidal12 deicides12 deictics13 deifical14 deifiers12 deifying16 deigning11 deionise9 deionize18 deiseals9 deisheal12 deixises16 endeixes16 endeixis16 fideisms14 fideists12 hordeins12 jadeites16 madeiras11 sdeigned11 sdeignes10 sdeining10 bandeiras12 campodeid17 deindexed19 deindexes18 deinosaur10 deionised11 deioniser10 deionises10 deionized20 deionizer19 deionizes19 deiparous12 deisheals13 deistical12 deltoidei11 endeictic14 fideistic15 hygrodeik21 sdeigning12 Show more ...

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