Tens is valid Scrabble Word

Is tens a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tens valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TENS in dictionary:

Words related to TENS


Words that contain TENS

etens5 stens5 tense5 latens6 patens8 tensed7 tenser6 tenses6 tenson6 tensor6 battens9 extense14 fastens10 fattens10 glutens8 haptens12 hartens10 hastens10 intense7 kantens11 kittens11 lattens7 listens7 martens9 mittens9 neatens7 pattens9 pectens11 platens9 rattens7 rottens7 seitens7 softens10 tautens7 tensely10 tensest7 tensile7 tensing8 tension7 tensity10 tensive10 tensons7 tensors7 utensil7 whitens13 chastens13 chortens13 extenses15 extensor15 flattens11 glistens9 greatens9 guestens9 heartens11 intenser8 lightens12 moistens10 pretense10 protense10 quietens17 rightens12 shortens11 smartens10 stoutens8 subtense10 sweetens11 tensible10 tensibly13 tensions8 tightens12 twittens11 utensils8 wheatens14 brightens15 christens14 extensile16 extension16 extensity19 extensive19 extensors16 frightens16 heightens16 intensate9 intensely12 intensest9 intensify15 intension9 intensity12 intensive12 ostensive12 ostensory12 pretenses11 protenses11 refastens12 resoftens12 sebestens11 straitens9 subtenses11 tenseless9 tenseness9 tensilely12 tensility12 tensional9 tensioned10 tensioner9 tensities9 tensorial9 threatens12 tungstens10 unfastens12 relistens9 hortensia12 benightens16 distensile11 distension11 distensive14 enheartens13 enlightens14 extensible19 extensions17 hypertense18 intensated11 intensates10 intensions10 intensives13 martensite12 ostensible12 ostensibly15 ostensoria10 pretension12 pretensive15 protension12 protensity15 protensive15 remoistens12 retightens14 tensimeter12 tensioners10 tensioning11 hortensias13 affrightens21 angiotensin12 coextension20 coextensive23 disheartens15 disquietens21 distensible14 distensions12 extensional18 extensities18 extensively24 hypotension19 hypotensive22 inextension18 intensating12 intensative14 intenseness11 intensified15 intensifier14 intensifies14 intensional11 intensities11 intensitive14 intensively17 martensites13 martensitic15 ostensively17 ostensories11 ostensorium13 outsweetens14 overintense14 posttension13 premoistens15 presweetens16 pretensions13 protensions13 rechristens16 rottenstone11 straightens15 tensenesses11 tensibility16 tensileness11 tensilities11 tensimeters13 tensiometer13 tensiometry16 tensionally14 tensionless11 unchristens16 angiotensins13 coextensions21 extensimeter21 extensionist19 extensometer21 foreshortens18 hyperintense20 hypertension20 hypertensive23 hypotensions20 hypotensives23 inextensible21 inextensions19 intensatives15 intensifiers15 intensifying19 intensitives15 normotension14 normotensive17 oversweetens18 overtightens19 posttensions14 pretensioned15 protensities14 protensively20 rottenstoned13 rottenstones12 sauerbratens14 somatotensic16 tensibleness14 tensiometers14 tensiometric16 superintense14 pretenseless14 coextensively28 extensibility25 extensimeters22 extensionally23 extensionists20 extensiveness23 extensometers22 hypertensions21 hypertensives24 intensenesses13 intensionally16 intensiveness16 kindergartens19 normotensions15 normotensives18 ostensibility18 overextension23 overintensity19 posttensioned16 pretensioning16 rottenstoning14 tensibilities15 tensilenesses13 tensiometries15 thermotensile18 overintensely19 distensibility20 extensibleness23 extensionalism23 extensionality24 hyperextension29 intensionality17 overextensions24 posttensioning17 pretensionless16 superintensity19 tensiblenesses16 hyperintensity25 extensibilities24 extensification27 extensionalisms24 extensivenesses25 extensivisation25 extensivization34 hyperextensions30 inextensibility27 intensification20 intensivenesses18 latensification20 martensitically22 ostensibilities17 overintensities18 intensionalitie15 extensionalitie22 antihypertensiv26 distensibilitie18 superintensitie17 extensionalities23 antihypertensive27 distensibilities19 latensifications21 prekindergartens24 superintensities18 intensifications21 intensionalities16 antihypertensives28

How to use TENS in a sentence

Similar words containing TEN without suffix s

ten3 eten4 sten4 tend5 tene4 tent4 ctene7 eaten5 etens5 hoten8 laten5 moten7 oaten5 often8 paten7 stend6 steno5 stens5 stent5 tench10 tends6 tendu6 tenes5 tenet5 tenge6 tenia5 tenne5 tenno5 tenny8 tenon5 tenor5 tense5 tenth8 tents5 tenty8 tenue5 attend7 attent6 batten8 beaten8 bitten8 butene8 catena8 ctenes8 detent7 detenu7 extend14 extent13 fasten9 fatten9 gluten7 gotten7 hapten11 harten9 hasten9 intend7 intent6 kanten10 ketene10 kitten10 latens6 latent6 latten6 lenten6 listen6 litten6 looten6 luiten6 lutten6 marten8 mitten8 molten8 neaten6 obtend9 ostent6 patens8 patent8 patten8 pecten10 pitten8 platen8 potent8 putten8 ratten6 retene6 rotten6 seiten6 sitten6 soften9 stench11 stends7 stenos6 stents6 tauten6 tenace8 tenail6 tenant6 tended8 tender7 tendon7 tendre7 tendus7 tenesi6 tenets6 tenges7 teniae6 tenias6 tenner6 tennes6 tennis6 tennos6 tenons6 tenors6 tenour6 tenpin8 tenrec8 tensed7 tenser6 tenses6 tenson6 tensor6 tented7 tenter6 tenths9 tentie6 tenues6 tenuis6 tenure6 tenuti6 tenuto6 tenzon15 torten6 untent6 weeten9 whaten12 whiten12 yitten9 antenna7 attends8 attents7 banteng10 bartend10 battens9 bursten9 butenes9 catenae9 catenas9 chasten12 chorten12 contend10 content9 ctenoid10 detente8 detents8 detenue8 detenus8 distend9 distent8 entente7 extends15 extense14 extents14 fastens10 fattens10 flatten10 glisten8 glutens8 greaten8 grutten8 guesten8 haptene12 haptens12 hartens10 hastens10 hearten10 intends8 intense7 intents7 kantens11 ketenes11 kitenge12 kittens11 kitteny14 latence9 latency12 latened8 latents7 lattens7 lighten11 listens7 martens9 mistend10 mittens9 moisten9 moulten9 neatens7 neoteny10 nortena7 norteno7 obtends10 oftener10 ostents7 patency14 patents9 pattens9 pectens11 pentene9 platens9 portend10 portent9 potence11 potency14 potents9 pretend10 protend10 quieten16 rattens7 retenes7 righten11 rottens7 seitens7 shorten10 shotten10 smarten9 smitten9 softens10 spitten9 stenchy15 stencil9 stended9 stengah11 stenned8 stenoky14 stented8 stentor7 stouten7 subtend10 sweeten10 synteny13 tautens7 tenable9 tenably12 tenaces9 tenails7 tenancy12 tenants7 tenches12 tendenz17 tenders8 tending9 tendons8 tendres8 tendril8 tendron8 tenfold11 tenioid8 tenners7 tennesi7 tennies7 tennist7 tenoned8 tenoner7 tenours7 tenpins9 tenrecs9 tensely10 tensest7 tensile7 tensing8 tension7 tensity10 tensive10 tensons7 tensors7 tentage8 tenters7 tentful10 tenthly13 tentier7 tentigo8 tenting8 tenuity10 tenuous7 tenured8 tenures7 tenutos7 tenzons16 tighten11 tutenag8 twitten10 uneaten7 unoften10 untents7 untenty10 utensil7 whatten13 wheaten13 whitens13 written10 ymolten12
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