Tar is valid Scrabble Word

Is tar a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tar valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TAR in dictionary:

Words related to TAR

tarred7 tarriness9 tarrinesses11 tarring8 tarrings9 tarrying12 tars4

Words that contain TAR

star4 tara4 tare4 tarn4 taro4 tarp6 tars4 tart4 altar5 antar5 attar5 iftar8 otary8 ottar5 petar7 sitar5 stare5 stark9 starn5 starr5 stars5 start5 taras5 tardo6 tardy9 tared6 tares5 targa6 targe6 tarns5 taroc7 tarok9 taros5 tarot5 tarps7 tarre5 tarry8 tarsi5 tarts5 tarty8 tatar5 tarte5 altars6 antara6 antars6 astare6 astart6 attars6 avatar9 batard9 bestar8 cantar8 costar8 cottar8 daftar10 datary10 dotard8 guitar7 iftars9 instar6 kantar10 kotare10 mortar8 nectar8 notary9 otarid7 ottars6 petara8 petard9 petars8 petary11 pitara8 qintar15 retard7 ritard7 rotary9 satara6 sitars6 sittar6 soutar6 starch11 stared7 starer6 stares6 starks10 starns6 starrs6 starry9 starts6 starve9 tarama8 tarand7 tarboy11 tarcel8 targas7 targed8 targes7 target7 tariff12 taring7 tarmac10 Show more ...

How to use TAR in a sentence

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