Tare is valid Scrabble Word

Is tare a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tare valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TARE in dictionary:

Words related to TARE

tared6 tares5 taring7 tarings8 tear4

Words that contain TARE

stare5 tared6 tares5 astare6 kotare10 stared7 starer6 stares6 centare9 hectare12 hektare14 kotares11 laetare7 starers7 starets7 staretz16 tartare7 upstare9 cemitare12 centares10 hectares13 hektares15 laetares8 mortared11 nectared11 outstare8 symitare13 tartares8 upstared11 upstares10 votaress11 cemitares13 nectareal11 nectarean11 outstared10 outstares9 overstare12 pistareen11 staretses9 staretzes18 symitares14 nectareous12 overstared14 overstares13 pistareens12 saltarelli10 saltarello10 tartareous10 votaresses13 chantarelle16 saltarellos11 chantarelles17 nectareousness16

How to use TARE in a sentence

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