Tail is valid Scrabble Word

Is tail a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tail valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TAIL in dictionary:

Words related to TAIL

tailed7 tailing8 tailless8 taillessly13 taillessness12 tails5

Words that contain TAIL

tails5 detail7 entail6 oxtail13 retail6 tailed7 tailer6 taille6 tailor6 tailye9 bobtail11 cattail9 curtail9 details8 dogtail9 entails7 fantail10 foxtail17 lobtail9 oxtails14 pigtail10 pintail9 ragtail8 rattail7 redtail8 retails7 tailard8 tailers7 tailfan10 tailfin10 tailfly13 tailing8 tailles7 taillie7 tailors7 tailyes10 tailzie16 ventail10 wagtail11 aventail11 bangtail11 boattail10 bobtails12 brantail10 bucktail16 cattails10 coattail10 cocktail16 curtails10 detailed10 detailer9 dogstail10 dogtails10 dovetail12 ducktail15 entailed9 entailer8 fantails11 fishtail14 forktail15 foxtails18 goldtail10 hairtail11 hardtail12 hightail15 horntail11 lobtails10 milltail10 mocktail16 pigtails11 pintails10 plowtail13 ponytail13 rattails8 redtails9 retailed9 retailer8 retailor8 ringtail9 silktail12 tailards9 tailback16 tailbone10 tailcoat10 taileron8 tailfans11 tailfins11 tailgate9 tailhook15 tailings9 taillamp12 tailless8 tailleur8 taillies8 taillike12 tailored9 tailpipe12 tailrace10 tailskid13 tailspin10 tailspun10 tailwind12 tailzies17 untailed9 ventaile11 ventails11 wagtails12 whiptail16 etailers8 aventaile12 aventails12 bangtails12 blacktail17 boattails11 bobtailed14 brantails11 broadtail12 browntail14 bucktails17 coattails11 cocktails17 curtailed12 curtailer11 detailers10 detailing11 disentail10 dogstails11 dovetails13 ducktails16 entailers9 entailing10 fantailed13 fishtails15 forktails16 hairtails12 hardtails13 harestail12 hightails16 horntails12 horsetail12 lobtailed12 milltails11 mocktails17 mousetail11 pigtailed13 pintailed12 plowtails14 ponytails14 rattailed10 retailers9 retailing10 retailors9 ringtails10 scaletail11 shavetail15 shirttail12 silktails13 sprigtail12 swingtail13 swordtail13 tailbacks17 tailboard12 tailbones11 tailcoats11 tailender10 tailerons9 tailflies12 tailgated11 tailgater10 tailgates10 tailhooks16 taillamps13 tailleurs9 taillight13 tailoress9 tailoring10 tailpiece13 tailpiped14 tailpipes13 tailplane11 tailraces11 tailskids14 tailslide10 tailspins11 tailstock15 tailwater12 tailwheel15 tailwinds13 ventailes12 whiptails17 whitetail15 sharptail14 thorntail12 aventailes13 battailous12 blacktails18 bobtailing15 broadtails13 cocktailed19 cottontail12 curtailers12 curtailing13 detailedly15 detailings12 disentails11 dovetailed15 entailment12 fishtailed17 harestails13 hightailed18 horsetails13 lobtailing13 mousetails12 ploughtail16 ponytailed16 retailings11 retailment12 retailored11 scaletails12 shavetails16 shirttails13 silvertail13 sprigtails13 springtail13 swordtails14 tailboards13 tailcoated13 tailenders11 tailgaters11 tailgating12 taillessly13 taillights14 tailorbird13 tailorings11 tailormade13 tailormake16 tailpieces14 tailpiping15 tailplanes12 tailslides11 tailstocks16 tailwaters13 tailwheels16 tripletail12 unentailed11 whiptailed19 whitetails16 yellowtail16 beavertail15 ducktailed18 sharptails15 thorntails13 untailored11 bristletail13 cocktailing20 cottontails13 curtailment15 disentailed13 dovetailing16 entailments13 fishtailing18 flickertail20 hightailing19 ploughtails17 retailments13 retailoring12 scissortail13 shirttailed15 silvertails14 springtails14 swallowtail17 tailgatings13 tailhopping19 tailorbirds14 tailoresses11 tailormakes17 tailspinned14 tripletails13 uncurtailed14 yellowtails17 beavertails16 lobtailings14 bristletails14 culvertailed18 curtailments16 detailedness14 disentailing14 dovetailings17 flickertails21 scissortails14 shirttailing16 swallowtails18 tailhoppings20 taillessness12 tailormaking19 tailspinning15 disentailment16 draggletailed17 detailednesses16 disentailments17

How to use TAIL in a sentence

Find what other words can be done using letters: "tail"
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