Sty is valid Scrabble Word

Is sty a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sty valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for STY in dictionary:

Words related to STY

climb11 stie4 stied6 sties5 styed9 stying10

Words that contain STY

stye7 busty10 dusty9 festy11 fisty11 fusty11 gusty9 hasty11 lusty8 masty10 misty10 musty10 nasty8 pasty10 pesty10 resty8 rusty8 styed9 styes8 style8 styli8 stylo8 styme10 stymy13 styre8 styte8 tasty8 testy8 vasty11 yesty11 zesty17 nesty8 angsty10 blasty11 bursty11 chesty14 crusty11 feisty12 fousty12 frosty12 ghosty13 gousty10 pigsty12 reasty9 reesty9 stying10 stylar9 styled10 stylee9 styler9 styles9 stylet9 stylie9 stylos9 stylus9 stymed12 stymes11 stymie11 styrax16 styred10 styres9 styted10 stytes9 toasty9 trusty9 twisty12 wristy12 yeasty12 moisty11 amnesty12 astylar10 bheesty15 christy15 distyle11 dynasty14 enstyle10 eustyle10 frowsty16 honesty13 majesty19 mistype14 modesty13 restyle10 stygian11 stylate10 stylees10 stylers10 stylets10 stylier10 styling11 stylise10 stylish13 stylist10 stylite10 stylize19 styloid11 stylops12 stymied13 stymies12 styming13 stypsis12 styptic14 styrene10 styring11 styting11 systyle13 thirsty13 thristy13 unhasty13 diastyle12 distyles12 enstyled12 enstyles11 epinasty13 epistyle13 eustyles11 harmosty16 misstyle13 mistyped16 mistypes15 nonstyle11 oldstyle12 prostyle13 restyled12 restyles11 sacristy13 sawdusty15 starosty11 styliest11 stylings12 stylised12 styliser11 stylises11 stylists11 stylites11 stylitic13 stylized21 stylizer20 stylizes20 styloids12 stylopes13 stylopid14 styluses11 stymying17 styptics15 styraxes18 styrenes11 substyle13 systyles14 touristy11 travesty14 untrusty11 urostyle11 anaplasty14 antistyle12 areostyle12 contrasty14 decastyle15 diastyles13 endostyle13 enstyling13 epistyles14 freestyle15 hairstyle15 hexastyle22 homostyly20 hyponasty20 hypostyle20 immodesty17 lifestyle15 misstyled15 misstyles14 mistyping17 monostyle14 neoplasty14 nonstyles12 octastyle14 octostyle14 oldstyles13 otoplasty14 overhasty18 overlusty15 pederasty15 peristyle14 polymasty19 polystyle17 prostyles14 pygostyle18 restyling13 stylebook18 styleless12 styliform17 stylisers12 stylishly18 stylising13 stylistic14 stylitism14 stylizers21 stylizing22 stylobate14 stylolite12 stylopids15 stylopise14 stylopize23 stymieing15 stypsises14 styptical16 styrofoam17 substylar14 substyles14 typestyle17 unstylish15 urostyles12 zooplasty23 homestyle17 amnestying16 antistyles13 araeostyle13 areostyles13 autoplasty15 chemonasty20 cyclostyle20 decastyles16 dishonesty17 endostyles14 enneastyle13 freestyled17 freestyler16 freestyles16 hairstyles16 hexastyles23 homoblasty20 homoplasty20 hypoplasty23 hypostyles21 lifestyler16 lifestyles16 metrostyle15 misstyling16 monostylar15 nyctinasty18 octastyles15 octostyles15 paederasty16 pentastyle15 peristylar15 peristyles15 photonasty18 polystylar18 polystyles18 pycnostyle20 pygostyles19 stylebooks19 stylistics15 stylitisms15 stylobates15 stylograph19 stylolites13 stylolitic15 stylometry18 stylophone18 stylopised16 stylopises15 stylopized25 stylopizes24 stylopodia16 stypticity20 styrofoams18 tetrastyle13 tuboplasty17 typestyles18 zeitgeisty23 slopestyle15 untouristy13 amphistylar21 angioplasty17 araeostyles14 cyclostyled22 cyclostyles21 dodecastyle18 freestylers17 freestyling18 hairstyling18 hairstylist17 heterostyly20 homostylies19 lifestylers17 mammaplasty22 mammoplasty22 metrostyles16 monostylous16 osteoplasty16 pentastyles16 polystyrene19 pycnostyles21 rhinoplasty19 seismonasty16 styliferous17 stylisation14 stylishness17

How to use STY in a sentence

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