Spending is valid Scrabble Word

Is spending a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is spending valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SPENDING in dictionary:

Words related to SPENDING

spend8 spends9 spent7

Words that contain SPENDING

spendings13 dispending15 suspending14 forspending18 misspending17 outspending15 antispending16 forespending19 overspending19 resuspending16 overspendings20 underspending18 underspendings19

How to use SPENDING in a sentence

Similar words containing SPEND without suffix ing

spend8 spends9 spendy12 dispend11 spender10 suspend10 dispends12 forspend14 misspend13 outspend11 spendall11 spenders11 spendier11 suspends11 dispended14 forespend15 forspends15 misspends14 outspends12 overspend15 resuspend12 spendable14 spendalls12 spendiest12 spendings13 suspended13 suspender12 dispending15 forespends16 misspender15 overspends16 resuspends13 suspenders13 suspending14 underspend14 forspending18 misspenders16 misspending17 outspending15 overspender17 resuspended15 spendthrift20 suspendered15 suspendible16 underspends15 unsuspended15 antispending16 forespending19 overspenders18 overspending19 resuspending16 spendthrifts21 overspendings20 underspending18 suspendibility22 underspendings19
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