Spat is valid Scrabble Word

Is spat a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is spat valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SPAT in dictionary:

Words related to SPAT

spats7 spatted10 spatting11 spet6 spit6

Words that contain SPAT

spate7 spats7 bespat10 spates8 spathe11 bespate11 cuspate11 spathal12 spathed13 spathes12 spathic14 spatial9 spatted10 spattee9 spatter9 spatula9 spatule9 spatzle18 crispate12 cuspated13 despatch16 dispatch16 dispathy17 dyspathy20 mispatch17 spatfall13 spathose13 spatlese10 spattees10 spatters10 spatting11 spatular10 spatulas10 spatules10 spatzles19 bespatter13 crispated14 feldspath18 raspatory14 spatfalls14 spatially14 spatlesen11 spatleses11 spattered12 spatulate11 vanaspati14 bespatters14 crispation14 crispature14 crosspatch19 despatched19 despatcher18 despatches18 dispatched19 dispatcher18 dispatches18 dispathies16 dyspathies19 feldspaths19 felspathic20 geospatial13 mispatched20 mispatches19 nonspatial12 spatangoid14 spatchcock25 spathulate15 spatiality15 spattering13 vanaspatis15 spatialise12 spatialize21 bespattered16 crispations15 crispatures15 despatchers19 despatching20 dispatchers19 dispatchful22 dispatching20 dyspathetic22 feldspathic22 felspathoid20 felspathose19 mispatching21 raspatories13 spatangoids15 spatchcocks26 spathaceous18 spatterdash17 spatterdock20 spatterwork20 spatialised14 spatialises13 spatialized23 spatializes22 bespattering17 crosspatches21 feldspathoid22 feldspathose21 felspathoids21 Show more ...

How to use SPAT in a sentence

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