Ruth is valid Scrabble Word

Is ruth a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ruth valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RUTH in dictionary:

Words related to RUTH

pity9 rewth11 ruths8

Words that contain RUTH

ruths8 truth8 ruther9 truths9 truthy12 struth9 druther11 ruthful13 truther10 untruth10 druthers12 kashruth18 mistruth13 nontruth11 ruthenic13 ruthless11 truthers11 truthful14 truthier11 untruths11 kashruths19 mistruths14 nontruths12 ruthenium14 ruthfully18 truthiest12 truthless12 truthlike16 posttruth14 redruthite14 ruthenious13 rutheniums15 rutherford17 ruthlessly16 struthioid14 struthious13 truthfully19 truthiness13 untruthful16 redruthites15 rutherfords18 ruthfulness17 struthioids15 ruthlessness15 truthfulness18 truthinesses15 untruthfully21 rutherfordium22 ruthfulnesses19 truthlessness16 rutherfordiums23 ruthlessnesses17 truthfulnesses20 untruthfulness20 truthlessnesses18 untruthfulnesse21 untruthfulnesses22

How to use RUTH in a sentence

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