Royal is valid Scrabble Word

Is royal a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is royal valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ROYAL in dictionary:

Words related to ROYAL

regalian9 royaller11 royallest12 royally13 royals9 sceptral12

Words that contain ROYAL

royals9 royalet10 royally13 royalty13 unroyal10 nonroyal11 royalets11 royalise11 royalism13 royalist11 royalize20 royaller11 surroyal11 antiroyal12 nonroyals12 royalised13 royalises12 royalisms14 royalists12 royalized22 royalizes21 royallest12 royalmast14 royalties12 surroyals12 unroyally15 pennyroyal18 royalising14 royalistic15 royalizing23 royalmasts15 pennyroyals19 viceroyalty22 antiroyalist15 antiroyalists16 ultraroyalist16 viceroyalties21 ultraroyalists17

How to use ROYAL in a sentence

Similar words containing ROY without suffix al

troy7 duroy9 proyn10 royne8 royst8 stroy8 troys8 aroynt9 arroyo9 duroys10 groyne10 pomroy13 proyne11 proyns11 royals9 royned10 roynes9 roysts9 stroys9 aroynts10 arroyos10 destroy11 groynes11 pomeroy14 pomroys14 proyned13 proynes12 royalet10 royally13 royalty13 royning11 roynish13 roysted11 royster10 scroyle12 stroyed11 stroyer10 unroyal10 viceroy15 aroynted12 corduroy14 destroys12 nonroyal11 pomeroys15 proyning14 royalets11 royalise11 royalism13 royalist11 royalize20 royaller11 roysters11 roysting12 scroyles13 stroyers11 stroying12 surroyal11 viceroys16 antiroyal12 aroynting13 corduroys15 destroyed14 destroyer13 nonroyals12 royalised13 royalises12 royalisms14 royalists12 royalized22 royalizes21 royallest12 royalmast14 royalties12 roystered13 roysterer12 surroyals12 unroyally15 corduroyed17 destroyers14 destroying15 foudroyant17 matroyshka22 pennyroyal18 royalising14 royalistic15 royalizing23 royalmasts15 roysterers13 roystering14 roysterous13 corduroying18 destroyable17 matroyshkas23 pennyroyals19 undestroyed16 viceroyalty22 viceroyship24 antiroyalist15 viceroyships25 antiroyalists16 ultraroyalist16 viceroyalties21 ultraroyalists17
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