Roughs is valid Scrabble Word

Is roughs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is roughs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ROUGHS in dictionary:

Words related to ROUGHS

rough9 roughed12 roughing13

Words that contain ROUGHS

broughs13 groughs12 troughs11 boroughs14 enroughs12 roughshod17 thoroughs16 farboroughs20 yarboroughs20 eavestroughs19 feedthroughs23 headboroughs22 tharboroughs21 breakthroughs26 drivethroughs24 thirdboroughs23 interboroughs19

How to use ROUGHS in a sentence

Similar words containing ROUGH without suffix s

rough9 brough12 grough11 rought10 roughy13 trough10 borough13 broughs13 brought13 drought12 enrough11 froughy17 groughs12 roughed12 roughen11 rougher11 roughie11 roughly14 through14 troughs11 unrough11 wrought14 boroughs14 brougham16 broughta14 droughts13 droughty16 enroughs12 roughage13 roughdry16 roughens12 roughers12 roughest12 roughhew18 roughies12 roughing13 roughish15 roughleg13 roughout12 thorough15 troughed13 broughams17 broughtas15 enroughed14 froughier16 inbrought15 inwrought16 rewrought16 roughages14 roughback21 roughcast15 roughened14 roughhewn19 roughhews19 roughings14 roughlegs14 roughneck19 roughness13 roughouts13 roughshod17 thoroughs16 throughly19 troughing14 unwrought16 upbrought17 upwrought18 droughtier15 enroughing15 farborough19 froughiest17 outwrought17 roughbacks22 roughcasts16 roughdried16 roughdries15 roughening15 roughhewed21 roughhouse17 roughnecks20 roughrider15 thorougher17 thoroughly20 throughout17 throughput19 throughway23 troughings15 troughlike18 unthorough17 yarborough19 broughtases17 droughtiest16 eavestrough18 farboroughs20 feedthrough22 handwrought22 headborough21 highwrought25 overwrought21 roughcasted18 roughcaster17 roughdrying20 roughhewing22 roughhoused19 roughhouses18 roughnecked22 roughnesses15 roughriders16 tharborough20 thoroughest18 thoroughpin20 thoroughwax28 throughfare21 throughgaun19 throughputs20 throughways24 yarboroughs20 breakthrough25 drivethrough23 droughtiness17 eavestroughs19 feedthroughs23 headboroughs22 interborough18 interwrought19 roughcasters18 roughcasting19 roughhousing20 roughnecking23 tharboroughs21 therethrough22 thirdborough22 thoroughbass21 thoroughbred22 thoroughfare22 thoroughness19 thoroughpins21 thoroughwort22 throughfares22 throughgauns20 throughither22 throughother22 underwrought20 wherethrough25 breakthroughs26 drivethroughs24 roughhousings21 thirdboroughs23 thoroughbrace24 thoroughbreds23 thoroughfares23 thoroughgoing22 thoroughpaced25 thoroughwaxes30 thoroughworts23 interboroughs19 droughtinesses19 thoroughbasses23 thoroughbraced26 thoroughbraces25 thoroughnesses21 thoroughgoingly27
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