Handling is valid Scrabble Word

Is handling a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is handling valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HANDLING in dictionary:

Words related to HANDLING

handle10 handled12 handles11 handlings14

Words that contain HANDLING

handlings14 rehandling15 manhandling18 mishandling18 outhandling16 panhandling18 prehandling18 rehandlings16 ballhandling19 mishandlings19 overhandling20 pumphandling23 ballhandlings20 stickhandling24 stickhandlings25

How to use HANDLING in a sentence

Similar words containing HANDL without suffix ing

handle10 handled12 handler11 handles11 chandler14 handlers12 handless12 handlike16 handline12 handlist12 handloom14 rehandle12 chandlers15 chandlery18 handlebar15 handlines13 handlings14 handlists13 handlooms15 manhandle15 mishandle15 outhandle13 panhandle15 prehandle15 rehandled14 rehandles13 unhandled14 handliner13 chandlerly19 handlanger15 handleable16 handlebars16 handleless14 manhandled17 manhandles16 mishandled17 mishandles16 outhandled15 outhandles14 overhandle17 panhandled17 panhandler16 panhandles16 prehandled17 prehandles16 rehandling15 handliners14 handlining15 handlogger16 pumphandle20 chandleries17 chandlering18 crankhandle21 handlangers16 manhandling18 mishandling18 outhandling16 overhandled19 overhandles18 panhandlers17 panhandling18 prehandling18 rehandlings16 stickhandle21 handlinings16 handloggers17 pumphandled22 pumphandles21 ballhandling19 chandlerings19 crankhandles22 mishandlings19 overhandling20 stickhandled23 stickhandler22 stickhandles22 pumphandling23 ballhandlings20 stickhandlers23 stickhandling24 stickhandlings25
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