Rotted is valid Scrabble Word

Is rotted a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is rotted valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ROTTED in dictionary:

Words related to ROTTED

rot3 rots4 rotting8

Words that contain ROTTED

trotted8 garotted10 unrotted9 garrotted11 dogtrotted13 foxtrotted21 jogtrotted19 outtrotted11 globetrotted16

How to use ROTTED in a sentence

Similar words containing ROTT without suffix ed

rotte5 grotto7 grotty10 rottan6 rotten6 rotter6 rottes6 crottle9 garotte8 grottos8 rottans7 rottens7 rotters7 rotting8 trotted8 trotter7 crottles10 frottage12 frotteur11 garotted10 garotter9 garottes9 garrotte9 grottier9 grottoed10 grottoes9 rottener8 rottenly11 throttle11 trotters8 trotting9 trottoir8 unrotted9 unrotten8 carrottop13 frottages13 frotteurs12 garotters10 garotting11 garrotted11 garrotter10 garrottes10 grottiest10 rottenest9 throttled13 throttler12 throttles12 trottings10 trottoirs9 bogtrotter13 carrottops14 dogtrotted13 foxtrotted21 garottings12 garrotters11 garrotting12 grottiness11 jogtrotted19 outtrotted11 panzerotto21 rottenness10 rottweiler13 throttlers13 throttling14 panzerotti21 bogtrotters14 bogtrotting15 dogtrotting14 foxtrotting22 garrottings13 jogtrotting20 outtrotting12 panzerottos22 rottenstone11 rottweilers14 throttlings15 bogtrottings16 carrottopped19 globetrotted16 globetrotter15 grottinesses13 rottennesses12 rottenstoned13 rottenstones12 throttleable17 throttlehold19 globetrotters16 globetrotting17 rottenstoning14 throttleholds20 globetrottings18
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