Roma is valid Scrabble Word

Is roma a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is roma valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for ROMA in dictionary:

Words related to ROMA

gypsy14 rom5

Words that contain ROMA

aroma7 groma8 romal7 roman7 romas7 aromas8 bromal10 chroma13 gromas9 romage9 romaji15 romals8 romano8 romans8 stroma8 xeroma15 seroma8 bromals11 bromate11 chromas14 cromack17 fibroma14 fromage13 hydroma16 hygroma16 neuroma9 pleroma11 romages10 romaika13 romaine9 romajis16 romance11 romanos9 romanza18 romaunt9 stromal9 xeromas16 seromas9 achromat15 aromatic12 atheroma13 bromance14 bromated13 bromates12 chromate15 cromacks18 fibromas15 fromages14 hydromas17 hygromas17 malaroma12 neuromas10 pleromas12 prodroma13 romaikas14 romaines10 romanced13 romancer12 romances12 romanise10 romanize19 romantic12 romanzas19 romaunts10 scleroma12 stromata10 xeromata17 achromats16 aeromancy16 aromatase11 aromatics13 aromatise11 aromatize20 atheromas14 bromances15 bromantic15 bromating14 ceromancy18 chondroma17 chromakey23 chromates16 chromatic18 chromatid17 chromatin16 dichromat17 fibromata16 gyromancy20 hydromata18 hygromata18 malaromas13 neuromast11 neuromata11 prodromal14 promachos18 pyromancy21 pyromania16 romancers13 romancing14 romanesco13 romanised12 romanises11 Show more ...

How to use ROMA in a sentence

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