Roger is valid Scrabble Word

Is roger a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is roger valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ROGER in dictionary:

Words related to ROGER

rogered9 rogering10 rogerings11 rogers7

Words that contain ROGER

droger8 rogers7 drogers9 rogered9 progeria11 rogering10 progerias12 rogerings11

How to use ROGER in a sentence

Similar words containing ROG without suffix er

brog7 crog7 frog8 grog6 prog7 trog5 brogh11 brogs8 crogs8 frogs9 grogs7 perog8 pirog8 progs8 rogue6 roguy9 scrog8 sprog8 trogs6 brogan9 broghs12 brogue9 croggy13 droger8 drogue8 froggy14 groggy12 orogen7 perogi9 perogs9 perogy12 pierog9 pirogi9 progun9 pyrogy15 rogers7 rognon7 rogued8 roguer7 rogues7 scrogs9 sprogs9 troggs8 trogon7 togrog8 acrogen10 aerogel8 brogans10 brogged12 brogues10 crogged12 darogha12 drogers9 drogher12 drogues9 droguet9 frogbit13 frogeye14 frogged13 froglet11 frogman13 frogmen13 grogged11 grogram11 kerogen12 orogens8 orogeny11 perogie10 perogis10 pierogi10 pierogs10 pirogen10 piroghi13 pirogue10 progeny13 progged12 progger11 program12 pyrogen13 rogallo8 rogered9 rognons8 roguers8 roguery11 roguing9 roguish11 scroggy14 trogged10 trogons8 urogram10 togrogs9 perogen10 roguier8 rogaine8 abrogate11 acrogens11 aerogels9 aerogram11 androgen10 arrogant9 arrogate9 barogram13 brogging13 broguery14 broguish14 bullfrog14 croggies12 crogging13 daroghas13 derogate10 droghers13 droguets10 erogenic11 estrogen9 frogbits14 frogeyed16 frogeyes15 frogfish18 froggery16 froggier13 frogging14 froglets12 froglike16 frogling13 groggery14 groggier11 groggily14 grogging12 grograms12 grogshop15 hydrogel16 hydrogen16 kerogens13 leapfrog14 merogony14 nitrogen9 orogenic11 perogies11 pirogies11 pirogues11 porogamy16 progeria11 proggers12 progging13 proggins12 prognose11 prograde12 programs13 progress11 prorogue11 pyrogens14 pyrogies14 rogallos9 rogation9 rogatory12 rogering10 rogueing10 scroggie12 scroggin12 sproglet11 trogging11 urograms11 virogene12 roguiest9 pierogen11 abrogable14 abrogated13 abrogates12 abrogator12 acrogenic14 aerograms12 aerograph15 androgens11 androgyne14 androgyny17 arrogance12 arrogancy15 arrogated11 arrogates10 arrogator10 barograms14 barograph17 brogueish15 bullfrogs15 cerograph17 dannebrog13 deprogram15 derogated12 derogates11 embroglio14 epirogeny15 erogenous10 estrogens10 ferrogram15 froggiest14 froggings15 froglings14 frogmarch20 frogmouth18 frogspawn18 goitrogen11 groggiest12 grogshops16 hierogram15 hydrogels17 hydrogens17 iatrogeny13 imbroglio14 leapfrogs15 macroglia14 microglia14 microgram16 neuroglia10 neurogram12 nitrogens10 oestrogen10 orogenies10 orography18 petrogeny15 petrogram14 pierogies12 porogamic16 progenies12 progerias12 progestin12 prognosed13 prognoses12 prognosis12 prograded14 progrades13 programed15 programer14 programme16 prorogate12 prorogued13 prorogues12 pyrogenic17 reprogram14 rogations10 rogerings11 rogueries10 rogueship15 roguishly16 scroggier13 scroggins13 serogroup12 spirogram14 spirogyra15 sporogeny15 sporogony15 sproglets12 subrogate12 surrogacy15 surrogate10 urogenous10 urography18 virogenes13 abrogating14 abrogation13 abrogative16 abrogators13 acrogenous13 aerogramme15 aerographs16 aerography19 androgenic14 androgynes15 arrogances13 arrogantly14 arrogating12 arrogation11 arrogative14 arrogators11 barognoses13 barognosis13 barographs18 brogueries13 cerographs18 cerography21 chirognomy21 chirograph21 dannebrogs14 dendrogram15 deprograms16 derogately15 derogating13 derogation12 derogative15 derogatory15 dextrogyre22 dihydrogen19 dinitrogen12 electrogen13 embroglios15 epeirogeny16 epirogenic15 erogeneity14 estrogenic13 ferrograms16 frogfishes20
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