Refined is valid Scrabble Word

Is refined a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is refined valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REFINED in dictionary:

Words related to REFINED

couth10 refine9 refinedly16 refines10 refining12

Words that contain REFINED

refinedly16 unrefined13 overrefined18 refinedness15 semirefined17 superrefined18 ultrarefined16 refinednesses17

How to use REFINED in a sentence

Similar words containing FIN without suffix ed and without prefix re

fin6 find8 fine7 fini7 fink11 fino7 fins7 elfin8 final8 finca10 finch13 finds9 fined9 finer8 fines8 finis8 finks12 finny11 finos8 affine12 biffin14 boffin14 bowfin14 coffin14 cuffin14 define10 effing13 elfing10 elfins9 fifing13 finale9 finals9 fincas11 finder10 fineer9 finely12 finers9 finery12 finest9 fingan10 finger10 finial9 fining10 finish12 finite9 finito9 finjan16 finked14 finlit9 finnac11 finnan9 finned10 finner9 finsko13 muffin14 nuffin12 offing13 olefin9 perfin11 puffin14 redfin10 refind10 refine9 ruffin12 safing10 tiffin12 unfine9 wifing13 affinal13 affined14 affines13 baffing16 barfing13 beaufin12 beefing13 biffing16 biffins15 bluefin12 boffing16 boffins15 boffiny18 bowfins15 buffing16 chafing16 chefing16 coffing16 coffins15 coifing13 confine12 cuffing16 cuffins15 daffing15 defined12 definer11 defines11 doffing15 duffing15 effings14 faffing17 finable12 Show more ...
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