Wifing is valid Scrabble Word

Is wifing a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is wifing valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WIFING in dictionary:

Words related to WIFING

wife10 wifed12 wifes11

Words that contain WIFING


Similar words containing WIF without suffix ing

wife10 wifi10 swift11 wifed12 wifes11 wifey14 wifie11 wifty14 swifts12 swifty15 wifely15 wifeys15 wifies12 alewife13 huswife16 midwife16 oldwife14 seawife13 swifted14 swifter13 swiftie13 swiftly16 twifold14 wifedom16 wiftier13 farmwife19 fishwife20 goodwife16 gudewife16 huswifes17 kalewife18 midwifed18 midwifes17 spaewife16 swifters14 swiftest14 swifties14 swifting15 swiftlet14 unwifely17 wifedoms17 wifehood18 wifeless14 wifelier14 wifelike18 wiftiest14 housewife18 kiwifruit19 midwifery21 midwifing19 superwife17 swiftlets15 swiftness15 twiforked20 twiformed18 wifehoods19 wifeliest15 fishwifely25 housewifey22 kiwifruits20 unwifelier16 unwifelike20 wifeliness16 wifebeater18 housewifely23 housewifery23 midwiferies20 sweetiewife20 swiftnesses17 unwifeliest17 wifebeaters19 housewifier20 wifelinesses18 housewifiest21 fishwifelier24 housewiferies22 housewifeship27 housewifeskep28 housewifelier22 fishwifeliest25 housewifeships28 housewifeskeps29 housewifeliest23 housewifeliness24 housewifelinesses26
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