Re is valid Scrabble Word

Is re a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is re valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RE in dictionary:

Words related to RE

concerning15 res3

Words that contain RE

are3 ere3 ire3 ore3 pre5 reb5 rec5 red4 ree3 ref6 reg4 reh6 rei3 rem5 ren3 reo3 rep5 res3 ret3 rev6 rew6 rex10 rez12 ure3 rea3 acre6 area4 ared5 areg5 ares4 aret4 arew7 ayre7 bare6 bere6 bore6 bred7 bree6 brei6 bren6 brer6 brew9 brey9 byre9 care6 cere6 cire6 core6 cred7 cree6 crem8 crew9 cure6 dare5 dere5 dire5 dore5 dree5 dreg6 drek9 drew8 drey8 dure5 ered5 eres4 erev7 eyre7 fare7 fere7 fire7 fore7 free7 fret7 gare5 gere5 gore5 gree5 gren5 grew8 grex12 grey8 gyre8 hare7 here7 hire7 hore7 ired5 ires4 iure4 jure11 kore8 lare4 lere4 lire4 lore4 lure4 lyre7 mare6 mere6 mire6 Show more ...

How to use RE in a sentence

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