Res is valid Scrabble Word

Is res a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is res valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for RES in dictionary:

Words related to RES

re2 res3 reses5 residence12

Words that contain RES

ares4 eres4 ires4 ores4 resh7 rest4 tres4 ures4 acres7 apres7 aures5 ayres8 bares7 beres7 bores7 byres10 cares7 ceres7 cires7 cores7 cress7 crest7 cures7 dares6 deres6 dores6 dress6 drest6 dures6 eyres8 fares8 feres8 fires8 fores8 fresh11 gares6 geres6 gores6 grese6 gyres9 hares8 heres8 hires8 jures12 kores9 lares5 leres5 lores5 lures5 lyres8 mares7 meres7 mires7 mores7 mures7 nares5 ogres6 owres8 pares7 peres7 pores7 presa7 prese7 press7 prest7 pures7 pyres10 rares5 resat5 resaw8 resay8 resee5 reses5 reset5 resew8 resid6 resin5 resit5 resod6 resow8 resto5 rests5 resty8 resus5 rores5 seres5 sires5 sores5 sures5 tares5 teres5 tires5 tores5 tress5 trest5 tyres8 vares8 vires8 wares8 wires8 wrest8 Show more ...

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