Plants is valid Scrabble Word

Is plants a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is plants valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PLANTS in dictionary:

Words related to PLANTS

plant7 plantage11 planted10 planting11

Words that contain PLANTS

explants17 implants12 replants10 ashplants14 displants12 eggplants13 misplants13 pieplants13 plantsman13 plantsmen13 supplants13 waxplants21 leadplants13 locoplants14 mossplants14 overplants15 reimplants14 plantscape16 faceplants17 houseplants16 interplants13 plantswoman18 plantswomen18 transplants13 underplants14 multiplants15 plantscapes17 contemplants18 homotransplants22 xenotransplants24

How to use PLANTS in a sentence

Similar words containing PLANT without suffix s

plant7 planta8 explant16 implant11 plantae9 plantar9 plantas9 planted10 planter9 replant9 ashplant13 displant11 eggplant12 explants17 implants12 misplant12 pieplant12 plantage11 plantain10 planters10 planting11 plantlet10 plantule10 preplant12 replants10 supplant12 waxplant20 ashplants14 displants12 eggplants13 explanted19 implanted14 implanter13 leadplant12 locoplant13 misplants13 mossplant13 overplant14 pieplants13 plantable13 plantages12 plantains11 plantings12 plantless11 plantlets11 plantlike15 plantling12 plantsman13 plantsmen13 plantules11 reimplant13 replanted12 supplants13 unplanted12 waxplants21 faceplant16 displanted14 explanting20 houseplant15 implanters14 implanting15 interplant12 leadplants13 locoplants14 misplanted15 mossplants14 multiplant14 overplants15 plantation12 plantlings13 reimplants14 replanting13 supplanted15 supplanter14 transplant12 underplant13 plantscape16 faceplants17 contemplant17 displanting15 houseplants16 implantable17 interplants13 misplanting16 overplanted17 plantations13 plantigrade15 plantocracy20 plantswoman18 plantswomen18 preplanting16 reimplanted16 supplanters15 supplanting16 transplants13 underplants14 multiplants15 plantscapes17 faceplanted19 contemplants18 explantation21 implantation16 interplanted15 overplanting18 plantigrades16 reimplanting17 replantation14 transplanted15 transplanter14 underplanted16 faceplanting20 displantation16 explantations22 implantations17 interplanting16 plantocracies19 replantations15 supplantation17 transplanters15 transplanting16 underplanting17 displantations17 homotransplant21 reimplantation18 supplantations18 transplantable18 transplantings17 xenotransplant23 homotransplants22 plantaginaceous20 preimplantation21 reimplantations19 transplantation17 xenotransplants24 transplantabili19 homotransplanta22 transplantations18 transplantability24 transplantabilities23 homotransplantation26 homotransplantations27
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