Plane is valid Scrabble Word

Is plane a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is plane valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PLANE in dictionary:

Words related to PLANE

aeroplane11 planed9 planeness11 planes8 planing10

Words that contain PLANE

planed9 planer8 planes8 planet8 biplane11 deplane10 emplane11 enplane9 planers9 planets9 airplane10 biplanes12 deplaned12 deplanes11 emplaned13 emplanes12 enplaned11 enplanes10 planetic12 seaplane10 skiplane14 spyplane15 towplane13 triplane10 volplane13 warplane13 jetplane17 aeroplane11 airplanes11 aplanetic13 aquaplane20 exoplanet18 gyroplane15 jackplane24 monoplane13 peneplane13 planeload12 planeness11 planeside12 planetary14 planetoid12 rotaplane11 sailplane11 seaplanes11 skiplanes15 spyplanes16 tailplane11 taxiplane18 towplanes14 triplanes11 volplaned15 volplanes14 warplanes14 jetplanes18 backplane19 aeroplanes12 aquaplaned22 aquaplaner21 aquaplanes21 exoplanets19 floatplane15 gyroplanes16 hydroplane19 hyperplane20 jackplanes25 lightplane16 monoplanes14 multiplane14 peneplanes14 planeloads13 planesides13 planetaria12 planetical14 planetlike16 planetoids13 planetwide16 rhizoplane24 rotaplanes12 sailplaned13 sailplaner12 sailplanes12 spaceplane16 superplane14 tailplanes12 taxiplanes19 backplanes20 aquaplaners22 battleplane15 floatplanes16 hydroplaned21 hydroplanes20 hyperplanes21 lightplanes17 multiplanes15 phylloplane21 planenesses13 planetaries13 planetarium15 planetoidal14 planetology17 protoplanet15 rhizoplanes25 sailplaners13 spaceplanes17 superplanes15 battleplanes16 phylloplanes22 planetariums16 planetesimal16 protoplanets16 convertaplane20 convertiplane20 convertoplane20 planetesimals17 planetologies16 planetologist16 aerohydroplane23 convertaplanes21 convertiplanes21 convertoplanes21 interplanetary19 planetological19 planetologists17 protoplanetary21 aerohydroplanes24

How to use PLANE in a sentence

Find what other words can be done using letters: "plane"
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