Pits is valid Scrabble Word

Is pits a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pits valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PITS in dictionary:

Words related to PITS

pit5 pitted9 pitting10

Words that contain PITS

spits7 nepits8 pipits10 pitsaw11 armpits11 bespits11 forpits12 pitsaws12 poppits13 pulpits11 sawpits12 sumpits11 cesspits12 coalpits12 cockpits18 crampits14 firepits13 fleapits13 incipits12 limepits12 pockpits18 pushpits15 sandpits11 whippits18 chalkpits20 kalumpits17 lickspits17 precepits15 sandspits12 snakepits15 turnspits11 spitsticker19 spitstickers20

How to use PITS in a sentence

Similar words containing PIT without suffix s

pit5 pita6 pith9 pity9 spit6 nepit7 pipit9 pitas7 pitch12 piths10 pithy13 piton7 pitot7 pitta7 spite7 spits7 spitz16 armpit10 bepity13 bespit10 capita10 copita10 forpit11 keppit14 loupit8 nepits8 pepita10 pipits10 pitara8 pitaya11 pitchy16 pithed12 pithoi11 pithos11 pitied9 pitier8 pities8 pitman10 pitmen10 pitons8 pitots8 pitsaw11 pittas8 pitted9 pitten8 pitter8 pituri8 poppit12 pulpit10 roopit8 roupit8 sawpit11 sopite8 spital8 spited9 spites8 spitty11 sumpit10 tappit10 uppity13 wapiti11 armpits11 bespits11 capital11 capitan11 capitol11 cesspit11 coalpit11 cockpit17 copitas11 crampit13 despite10 epitaph14 epitaxy19 epithem14 epithet12 epitome11 epitope11 firepit12 fleapit12 forpits12 incipit11 limepit11 outpity12 pepitas11 pitapat11 pitarah12 pitaras9 pitayas12 pitched15 pitcher14 pitches14 piteous9 pitfall12 pithead13 pithful15 pithier12 pithily15 pithing13 pitiers9 pitieth12 pitiful12 pitmans11 pitprop13 pitsaws12 pitters9 pitting10 pittite9 pituita9 pituite9 pituris9 pitying13 pockpit17 poppits13 pulpits11 pushpit14 respite9 sandpit10 sawpits12 shilpit12 skelpit13 sopited10 sopites9 spitals9 spiting10 spitted10 spitten9 spitter9 spittle9 spittly12 spitzes18 sumpits11 wapitis12 whippit17 pittery12 pitlike13 antpitta10 bepitied13 bepities12 capitals12 capitani12 capitano12 capitans12 capitate12 capitayn15 capitols12 capitula12 cesspits12 chalkpit19 chapiter15 coalpits12 cockpits18 colpitis12 compital14 crampits14 crepitus12 decrepit13 despited12 despites11 epitaphs15 epitases10 epitasis10 epitaxes17 epitaxic19 epitaxis17 epitheca15 epithema15 epithems15 epithets13 epitomes12 epitomic14 epitonic12 epitopes12 epitrite10 firepits13 fleapits13 flypitch21 horopito13 hospital13 hospitia13 incipits12 kalumpit16 lickspit16 limepits12 occipita14 outpitch15 pitahaya16 pitapats12 pitarahs13 pitchers15 pitchier15 pitchily18 pitching16 pitchman17 pitchmen17 pitchout15 pitfalls13 pithball15 pitheads14 pithiest13 pithless13 pithlike17 pitiable12 pitiably15 pitikins14 pitiless10 pitprops14 pittance12 pittered11 pittings11 pittites10 pituitas10 pituites10 pityroid14 pockpits18 polypite15 precepit14 pulpital12 pulpited13 pulpiter12 pulpitry15 pulpitum14 pushpits15 respited11 respites10 sandpits11 sandspit11 scrimpit14 sinopite10 snakepit14 sopiting11 spitball12 spitcher15 spiteful13 spitfire13 spitters10 spittier10 spitting11 spittles10 spittoon10 stipites10 sumpitan12 threapit13 threepit13 turnspit10 tyropita13 unpitied11 unpitted11 whippits18 uppitier12 accipiter15 ancipital13 antpittas11 bepitying17 bicipital15 capitally16 capitanos13 capitated14 capitates13 capitayns16 capitella13 capitular13 capitulum15 cespitose13 chalkpits20 chapiters16 crepitant13 crepitate13 despiting13 epitaphed17 epitapher16 epitaphic18 epitaxial18 epitaxies18 epithecae16 epithelia14 epitheses14 epithesis14 epitheted15 epithetic16 epitheton14 epitomise13 epitomist13 epitomize22 epitrites11 horopitos14 hospitage15 hospitale14 hospitals14 hospitium16 kalumpits17 lickspits17 lippitude14 monopitch18 occipital15 outpitied12 outpities11 overpitch19 palpitant13 palpitate13
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