Pig is valid Scrabble Word

Is pig a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pig valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PIG in dictionary:

Words related to PIG

grumphie16 guffie13 pigged11 pigging12 piggings13 piglike14 pigs7 porkling15

Words that contain PIG

pigs7 piggy12 pight11 pigmy13 epigon9 pigeon9 pigged11 piggie10 piggin10 pights12 piglet9 pigman11 pigmen11 pignus9 pignut9 pigout9 pigpen11 pigsny12 pigsty12 spight12 spigot9 ypight15 bushpig15 empight15 epigeal10 epigean10 epigeic12 epigene10 epigone10 epigoni10 epigons10 epigram12 epigyny16 pigboat12 pigeons10 pigface15 pigfeed14 pigfish16 piggery14 piggier11 piggies11 pigging12 piggins11 piggish14 pighted14 pightle13 piglets10 piglike14 pigling11 pigmean12 pigmeat12 pigment12 pigmies12 pigmoid13 pignoli10 pignora10 pignuts10 pigouts10 pigpens12 pigskin14 pigsney13 pigsnie10 pigtail10 pigwash16 pigweed14 serpigo10 spights13 spignel10 spigots10 bushpigs16 despight15 empights16 epigaeal11 epigaean11 epigamic15 epigenic13 epigeous11 epigones11 epigonic13 epigonus11 epigrams13 epigraph16 geropiga12 hedgepig16 jerepigo18 pigboats13 pigeoned12 pigeonry14 pigfaces16 pigfeeds15 piggiest12 piggings13 pighting15 pightles14 piglings12 pigmaean13 pigmeats13 pigments13 pigmoids14 pignolia11 pignolis11 pigskins15 pigsneys14 pigsnies11 pigstick17 pigsties11 pigstuck17 pigswill14 pigtails11 pigweeds15 serpigos11 spighted15 spignels11 depigment15 despights16 empighted18 epigaeous12 epigenist12 epigenous12 epigonism14 epigonous12 epigraphs17 epigraphy20 epigynies15 epigynous15 geropigas13 hedgepigs17 jerepigos19 malpighia17 pigeoning13 pigeonite12 pigfishes18 piggeries13 pigginess13 piggishly19 piggyback24 pigheaded17 pigmental14 pigmented15 pignerate12 pignolias12 pignorate12 pigsconce16 pigsticks18 pigswills15 pigtailed13 pigwashes18 repigment14 serpigoes12 spighting16 epigenome14 champignon20 depigments16 empighting19 epigastria13 epigastric15 epigeneses13 epigenesis13 epigenetic15 epigenists13 epiglottal13 epiglottic15 epiglottis13 epigonisms15 epigraphed19 epigrapher18 epigraphic20 malpighias18 pigeonhole16 pigeonites13 pigeonries13 pigeonwing17 piggybacks25 pigmentary18 pigmenting16 pigmentosa15 pignerated14 pignerates13 pignorated14 pignorates13 pigsconces17 pigsticked20 pigsticker19 pupigerous15 repigments15 serpigines13 woodpigeon17 epigenomes15 epigenomic17 champignons21 depigmented18 epigastrial14 epigastrium16 epigenesist14 epigenetics16 epignathous17 epigraphers19 epigraphies19 epigraphing20 epigraphist19 impignorate16 oppignerate16 oppignorate16 pigeonholed18 pigeonholer17 pigeonholes17 pigeonwings18 pigginesses15 piggishness18 piggybacked27 pigheadedly22 pigmentosas16 pignerating15 pigneration14 pignorating15 pignoration14 pigstickers20 pigsticking21 repigmented17 scapigerous16 serpiginous14 woodpigeons18 epigenomics18 unpigmented17 depigmenting19 epigenesists15 epiglottides16 epiglottises15 epigrammatic21 epigraphical22 epigraphists20 impignorated18 impignorates17 oppignerated18 oppignerates17 oppignorated18 oppignorates17 pigeonholers18 pigeonholing19 piggybacking28 pigmentation17 pignerations15 pignorations15 pigstickings22 repigmenting18 salpiglosses15 salpiglossis15 nonpigmented18 epigeneticist18 epigrammatise20 epigrammatism22 epigrammatist20 epigrammatize29 impignorating19 impignoration18 oppignerating19 oppignorating19 oppignoration18 piggishnesses20 pigheadedness21 pigmentations18 pseudepigraph24 serpiginously19 oppigneration18 depigmentation20 epigenetically22 epigeneticists19 epigrammatical23 epigrammatised22 epigrammatiser21 epigrammatises21 epigrammatisms23 epigrammatists21 epigrammatized31 epigrammatizer30 epigrammatizes30 epigraphically27 hyperpigmented28 impignorations19 malpighiaceous24 oppignorations19 pseudepigrapha25 pseudepigraphs25 pseudepigraphy28 salpiglossises17 oppignerations19 depigmentations21 epigrammatisers22 epigrammatising23 epigrammatizers31 epigrammatizing32 pigheadednesses23 pseudepigraphic28 pseudepigraphon26 epigrammaticall24 hyperpigmentati28 pseudepigraphie26 epigrammatically28 pseudepigraphies27 hyperpigmentation30

How to use PIG in a sentence

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