Ores is valid Scrabble Word

Is ores a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ores valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ORES in dictionary:

Words related to ORES


Words that contain ORES

bores7 cores7 dores6 fores8 gores6 kores9 lores5 mores7 pores7 rores5 sores5 tores5 yores8 adores7 blores8 chores11 crores8 forest9 kiores10 prores8 scores8 shores9 smores8 snores6 sorest6 spores8 stores6 tsores6 whores12 arbores9 cruores9 devores11 encores9 engores8 foresaw13 foresay13 foresee10 forests10 furores10 galores8 ignores8 parores9 phoresy15 poorest9 rebores9 senores7 splores9 afforest14 asthores11 bandores11 bedsores11 bewhores16 boresome12 condores11 cursores10 deforest12 deplores11 emocores12 enforest11 explores17 eyesores11 fahlores14 foresaid12 foresail11 foresays14 foreseen11 foreseer11 foresees11 foreshew17 foreship16 foreshow17 foreside12 foreskin15 foreslow14 forestal11 forestay14 forested12 forester11 forestry14 humoresk17 implores12 mayoress13 moidores11 moresque19 oospores10 pandores11 prioress10 protores10 reforest11 rescores10 restores8 senhores11 signores9 tussores8 tutoress8 viatores11 whoreson14 windores12 afforests15 aforesaid13 albacores13 Show more ...

How to use ORES in a sentence

Similar words containing ORE without suffix s

ore3 bore6 core6 dore5 fore7 gore5 hore7 kore8 lore4 more6 pore6 rore4 sore4 tore4 wore7 yore7 abore7 adore6 afore8 blore7 bored8 boree7 borel7 borer7 bores7 chore10 cored8 corer7 cores7 corey10 crore7 doree6 dores6 forel8 fores8 forex15 frore8 gored7 gores6 kiore9 kores9 lorel5 lores5 morel7 mores7 oread6 pored8 porer7 pores7 prore7 rores5 score7 shore8 smore7 snore5 sored6 soree5 sorel5 sorer5 sores5 sorex12 spore7 store5 swore8 tores5 whore11 ybore10 yores8 adored8 adorer7 adores7 amoret8 ashore9 before11 blores8 boreal8 boreas8 boreen8 borees8 borels8 borers8 chorea11 chored12 choree11 chores11 corers8 coreys11 crores8 devore10 doored8 dorees7 encore8 engore7 floret9 foreby14 foredo10 forego10 forels9 forest9 froren9 Show more ...
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