Oft is valid Scrabble Word

Is oft a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is oft valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for OFT in dictionary:

Words related to OFT

often8 ofter8 oftest9

Words that contain OFT

coft9 loft7 soft7 toft7 aloft8 croft10 kofta12 lofts8 lofty11 often8 ofter8 softa8 softs8 softy11 thoft11 tofts8 crofts11 koftas13 lofted10 lofter9 oftest9 softas9 softed10 soften9 softer9 softie9 softly12 thofts12 unsoft9 zoftig19 crofted13 crofter12 hayloft16 koftgar15 lofters10 loftier10 loftily13 lofting11 oftener10 ooftish13 pooftah15 poofter12 rooftop12 softens10 softest10 softies10 softing11 softish13 unoften10 wooftah16 woofter13 cockloft19 cornloft13 crofters13 crofting14 haylofts17 koftgari16 koftgars16 koftwork22 loftiest11 loftless11 loftlike15 loftsman13 loftsmen13 oftenest11 ofttimes13 oversoft14 pooftahs16 poofters13 resoften11 rooftops13 rooftree11 semisoft13 softback19 softball13 softcore13 softened12 softener11 softhead15 softling12 softness11 software14 softwood15 toplofty16 wooftahs17 woofters14 cocklofts20 cornlofts14 croftings15 koftgaris17 koftworks23 loftiness12 oftenness12 ooftishes15 resoftens12 rooftrees12 softbacks20 softballs14 softbound15 softcover17 softeners12 Show more ...

How to use OFT in a sentence

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