Nick is valid Scrabble Word

Is nick a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is nick valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for NICK in dictionary:

Words related to NICK

nicked13 nicking14 nicks11

Words that contain NICK

nicks11 snick11 nicky14 knicks16 nickar12 nicked13 nickel12 nicker12 nickle12 nickum14 panick14 snicks12 dornick14 finicky19 knicker17 minnick15 nickars13 nickels13 nickers13 nicking14 nickled14 nickles13 nickums15 nudnick14 panicks15 panicky18 pannick15 snicked14 snicker13 snicket13 dominick17 dornicks15 finickin17 finnicky20 knickers18 minnicks16 monicker16 nickeled15 nickelic16 nickered15 nickling15 nicknack20 nickname16 nudnicks15 panicked17 pannicks16 picnicky21 snickers14 snickery17 snickets14 snicking15 tunicked15 dominicks18 donnicker16 finickety21 finickier18 finicking19 knickered20 minnicked18 monickers17 nickeline15 nickeling16 nickelise15 nickelize24 nickelled16 nickelous15 nickering16 nicknacks21 nicknamed18 nicknamer17 nicknames17 nickpoint17 nickstick21 panickier17 panicking18 picnicked20 picnicker19 snickered16 snickerer15 nickernut15 camiknicks24 dominicker19 donnickers17 finickiest19 finickings20 finnickier19 knickpoint22 minnicking19 nickelines16 nickelised17 nickelises16 nickelized26 nickelizes25 nickelling17 nicknamers18 nicknaming19 nickpoints18 nicksticks22 nickumpoop22 panickiest18 pernickety21 picnickers20 picnicking21 snickerers16 snickering17 knickknack30 belsnickle18 picnickier20 nickernuts16 snickerier16 cupronickel21 dominickers20 ferronickel20 finicketier20 finickiness20 finnickiest20 killikinick25 kinnikinick25 knickpoints23 nickelising18 nickelizing27 nickelodeon18 nickumpoops23 persnickety22 snickersnee17 knickknacks31 belsnickles19 picnickiest21 snickeriest17 camiknickers26 cupronickels22 ferronickels21 finicketiest21 killikinicks26 kinnikinicks26 kinnikinnick26 nickelodeons19 pumpernickel24 snickersneed19 snickersnees18 pernicketier20 finickinesses22 kinnikinnicks27 knickerbocker31 nickeliferous22 pumpernickels25 snickerdoodle21 persnicketier21 pernicketiest21 knickerbockers32 pernicketiness22 snickersneeing21 snickerdoodles22 persnicketiest22 persnicketiness23 persnicketinesses25

How to use NICK in a sentence

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