Loping is valid Scrabble Word

Is loping a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is loping valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LOPING in dictionary:

Words related to LOPING

lope6 loped8 lopes7

Words that contain LOPING

eloping10 sloping10 deloping12 galoping12 lopingly14 dolloping13 galloping13 golloping13 lolloping12 slopingly15 walloping15 developing17 enveloping16 escaloping15 scalloping15 scolloping15 trolloping13 wallopings16 escalloping16 interloping14 scallopings16 slopingness14 codeveloping21 outgalloping16 redeveloping19 disenveloping20 misdeveloping22 predeveloping22 slopingnesses16 overdeveloping24 underdeveloping23

How to use LOPING in a sentence

Similar words containing LOP without suffix ing

lop5 clop8 flop9 glop7 lope6 lops6 plop8 slop6 clops9 elope7 elops7 flops10 galop8 glops8 jalop14 loped8 loper7 lopes7 loppy12 orlop7 plops9 salop7 slope7 slops7 slopy10 aslope8 callop10 collop10 dallop9 delope9 dollop9 ellops8 eloped9 eloper8 elopes8 floppy16 gallop9 galops9 gloppy14 gollop9 jalops15 jalopy18 jollop15 lollop8 lopers8 lopped11 lopper10 loppet10 orlops8 salops8 sloped9 sloper8 slopes8 sloppy13 wallop11 callops11 clopped14 collops11 cowflop17 cowplop16 cyclops16 dallops10 deloped11 delopes10 develop13 dollops10 elopers9 eloping10 elopses9 envelop12 escalop11 flopped15 flopper14 gallops10 galoped11 galopin10 glopped13 gollops10 jaloppy21 jollops16 lollops9 lollopy12 loppers11 loppets11 loppier11 loppies11 lopping12 plopped14 scallop11 scollop11 shallop12 slopers9 slopier9 sloping10 slopped12 stylops12 trollop9 tylopod13 upslope11 wallops12 allopath13 alopecia12 alopecic14 antelope10 chilopod16 clopping15 colophon15 cowflops18 cowplops17 cyclopes17 cyclopic19 deloping12 develope14 develops14 diplopia13 diplopic15 diplopod14 dolloped12 ellopses10 envelope13 envelops13 eolopile10 escallop12 escalope12 escalops12 flipflop18 flopover16 floppers15 floppier15 floppies15 floppily18 flopping16 galloped12 galloper11 galopade12 galoping12 galopins11 galopped14 gantlope11 gigaflop15 gloppier13 glopping14 golloped12 golloper11 haplopia15 holoptic15 jalopies17 kilopond15 lolloped11 lopgrass11 lopingly14 lopolith13 loppered13 loppiest12 loppings13 lopsided12 lopstick16 megaflop16 megalops13 petaflop15 plopping15 salopian10 scallops12 scollops12 shallops13 slipslop12 slopiest10 sloppier12 sloppily15 slopping13 slopwork17 stylopes13 stylopid14 teraflop13 trollops10 trollopy13 tylopods14 unlopped13 upslopes12 walloped14 walloper13 allopaths14 allopathy17 allopatry14 allophane14 allophone14 alloplasm13 alopecias13 alopecoid14 amylopsin16 anglophil15 antelopes11 chilopods17 codevelop17 colophons16 colophony19 cyclopean18 cyclopian18 developed16 developer15 developes15 developpe17 diplopias14 diplopods15 dolloping13 downslope15 elopement13 enveloped15 enveloper14 envelopes14 eolopiles11 escallops13 escaloped14 escalopes13 filoplume16 filopodia15 flipflops19 flophouse17 flopovers17 floppiest16 floptical16 gallopade13 gallopers12 galloping13 galopades13 galopping15 gantelope12 gantlopes12 gigaflops16 gloppiest14 gollopers12 golloping13 halophile17 halophily20 halophobe19 halophyte20 haplopias16 helophyte20 hillslope14 holophote17 holophyte20 hylophyte23 interlope11 jaloppies20 kiloponds16 landloper12 lolloping12 lophodont15 lopoliths14 loppering14 lopsticks17 megaflops17 megalopic16 nyctalope16 nyctalops16 outgallop12 petaflops16 philopena16 phyllopod20 redevelop15 scalloped14 scalloper13 scolloped14 slipslops13 slopewise14 slopingly15 sloppiest13 slopworks18 stylopids15 stylopise14 stylopize23 telophase14 teraflops14 trolloped12 trollopee11 wallopers14 walloping15 xylophage25 xylophone24 jackalope24 bellyflop19 slopeside12 lollopier11 allopathic17 allopatric14 allophanes15 allophones15 allophonic17 alloplasms14 ampelopses16 ampelopsis16 amyloplast17 amylopsins17 anglophile16 anglophils16 anglophobe18 anglophone16 antilopine12 camelopard17 cellophane17
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