Lent is valid Scrabble Word

Is lent a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lent valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LENT in dictionary:

Words related to LENT

lend5 lending9 lends6

Words that contain LENT

blent7 glent6 lenti5 lento5 olent5 dolent7 glents7 lenten6 lentic8 lentil6 lentor6 lentos6 plenty11 relent6 silent6 sklent10 splent8 talent6 yblent11 aplenty12 asklent11 cholent12 dolente8 forlent10 glented9 lentigo8 lentils7 lentisc9 lentisk11 lentoid8 lentors7 lentous7 opulent9 polenta9 pollent9 reblent9 relents7 silents7 sklents11 slenter7 splents9 talents7 tallent7 unblent9 violent10 bivalent13 cholents13 covalent13 divalent12 esculent10 exhalent18 feculent13 forelent11 glenting10 indolent9 insolent8 lentando9 lenticel10 lenticle10 lentiscs10 lentisks12 lentoids9 luculent10 muculent12 overlent11 patulent10 plenties10 polentas10 purulent10 redolent9 relented9 silenter8 silently11 sklented13 slenters8 talented9 tallents8 temulent10 unsilent8 vinolent11 violents11 virulent11 acidulent12 attollent9 avirulent12 bivalents14 calenture11 condolent12 corpulent13 crapulent13 divalents13 divellent13 ervalenta12 esculents11 excellent18 exhalents19 expellent18 flatulent12 impellent13 insolents9 interlent9 Show more ...

How to use LENT in a sentence

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