Hum is valid Scrabble Word

Is hum a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is hum valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HUM in dictionary:

Words related to HUM

hummable17 hummed14 hummer13 hummers14 humming15 hummings16 hums9

Words that contain HUM

chum11 huma9 humf12 hump11 hums9 chump14 chums12 human10 humas10 humfs13 humic12 humid11 humor10 humph15 humps12 humpy15 humus10 rhumb12 thumb12 thump12 whump15 chummy18 chumps15 exhume18 humane11 humans11 humate11 humble13 humbly16 humbug14 humect13 humefy17 humeri11 humfed15 humhum16 humify17 humint11 humite11 humlie11 hummed14 hummel13 hummer13 hummle13 hummum15 hummus13 humors11 humour11 humous11 humped14 humpen13 humper13 humphs16 humpty16 humusy14 humvee14 inhume11 rhumba13 rhumbs13 shumai11 thumbs13 thumby16 thumps13 whumps16 zythum23 bethumb16 bethump16 chumash17 chumley17 chummed17 chumped17 exhumed20 exhumer19 exhumes19 humaner12 humanly15 humates12 humbled15 humbler14 humbles14 humbugs15 humbuzz32 humdrum15 humects14 humeral12 humerus12 humfing16 humhums17 humider13 humidex20 humidly16 humidor13 humints12 humites12 humlies12 hummaum16 hummels14 hummers14 humming15 hummock20 hummums16 humogen13 humoral12 humored13 humours12 humpens14 humpers14 humphed18 humpier14 humpies14 humping15 humuses12 humvees15 inhuman12 inhumed13 inhumer12 inhumes12 kathump18 rhumbas14 sorghum13 thumbed15 thumped15 thumper14 unhuman12 whummle17 whumped18 zythums24 bethumbs17 bethumps17 chumleys18 chummage18 chummier17 chummies17 chummily20 chumming18 chumping18 chumship20 exhumate20 exhumers20 exhuming21 humanely16 humanest13 humanise13 humanism15 humanist13 humanity16 humanize22 humanoid14 humblers15 humblest15 humbling16 humdrums16 humected16 humefied17 humefies16 humerals13 humicole15 humidest14 humidify20 humidity17 humidors14 humified17 humifies16 humility16 humiture13 hummable17 hummaums17 hummings16 hummocks21 hummocky24 hummuses15 humogens14 humoresk17 humorful16 humoring14 humorist13 humorous13 humoured14 humouses13 humpback23 humphing19 humpiest15 humpless15 humplike19 humpties15 humstrum15 inhumane13 inhumate13 inhumers13 inhuming14 kathumps19 nonhuman13 outhumor13 panhuman15 prehuman15 rhumbaed16 sorghums14 subhuman15 subhumid16 thumbier15 thumbing16 thumbkin19 thumbnut15 thumbpot17 thumpers15 thumping16 whummled19 whummles18 whumping19 humusier13 antihuman14 bethumbed19 bethumped19 chumashes19 chumashim21 chummages19 chummiest18 chumpings19 chumships21 dishumour15 disinhume15 exhumated22 exhumates21 humanhood18 humanised15 humaniser14 humanises14 humanisms16 humanists14 humanized24 humanizer23 humanizes23 humankind19 humanlike18 humanness14 humanoids15 humblebee18 humblesse16 humblings17 humbucker22 humbugged19 humbugger18 humbuzzes34 humdinger16 humectant16 humectate16 humecting17 humective19 humefying21 humicoles16 humidexes22 humidices17 humidness15 humifying21 humiliant14 humiliate14 humitures14 hummelled17 hummeller16 hummocked23 humongous15 humorally17 humoresks18 humorists14 humorless14 humorsome16 humourful17 humouring15 humpbacks24 humpiness16 humstrums16 humungous15 inhumanly17 inhumated15 inhumates14 kachumber22 nonhumans14 outhumors14 outhumour14 prehumans16 rhumbaing17 subhumans16 thumbhole19 thumbiest16 thumbkins20 thumbless16 thumblike20 thumbling17 thumbnail16 thumbnuts16 thumbpots18 thumbtack22 transhume14 unhumanly17 unhumbled17 whummling20 inhumaner14 humusiest14 bethumbing20 bethumping20 callithump19

How to use HUM in a sentence

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