Fere is valid Scrabble Word

Is fere a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is fere valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FERE in dictionary:

Words related to FERE

companion15 ferer8 feres8 ferest9 fier7 fiere8 fieres9 pheer10 pheere11

Words that contain FERE

ferer8 feres8 yfere11 effere12 ferest9 infere9 yferes12 alferez19 effered14 efferes13 offered14 offeree13 offerer13 referee10 wafered14 afferent14 buffered17 coffered17 conferee13 deferent12 differed16 efferent14 feretory14 goffered16 niffered15 offerees14 offerers14 pilfered14 pilferer13 refereed12 referees11 referent11 suffered15 sufferer14 tafferel14 telfered12 afferents15 alfereces14 chaffered21 chafferer20 chamfered20 chamferer19 conferees14 deference15 deferents13 different16 efference17 efferents15 flaffered19 gauffered17 inference14 interfere12 kniferest16 pilferers14 proffered18 profferer17 reference14 referenda13 referents12 reoffered16 sufferers15 tafferels15 unoffered16 afferently19 chafferers21 chamferers20 conference17 deferences16 difference19 differency22 efferences18 efferently19 feretories13 inferences15 interfered14 interferer13 interferes13 kniferests17 preference17 profferers18 refereeing14 referenced16 referencer15 references15 referendum16 transferee13 unbuffered19 unrefereed14 conferences18 deferential15 differenced21 differences20 differentia18 differently21 indifferent18 inferencing17 inferential14 interferers14 preferences18 referencers16 referencing17 Show more ...

How to use FERE in a sentence

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