Feral is valid Scrabble Word

Is feral a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is feral valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FERAL in dictionary:

Words related to FERAL

ferals9 ferine9 ferities11 ferity12 wild8

Words that contain FERAL

ferals9 feralised13 feralized22 poriferal14 rotiferal12 transferal13 transferals14 foraminiferal21

How to use FERAL in a sentence

Similar words containing FER without suffix al

fer6 fere7 ferm9 fern7 defer9 ferer8 feres8 feria8 ferly11 fermi10 ferms10 ferns8 ferny11 ferry11 fifer11 gofer9 infer8 lifer8 offer11 refer8 rifer8 safer8 sefer8 wafer11 yfere11 biffer14 buffer14 chafer14 coffer14 confer11 deafer10 defers10 deffer13 deifer10 differ13 doffer13 doofer10 duffer13 effere12 ferals9 ferbam13 ferest9 feriae9 ferial9 ferias9 ferine9 ferity12 ferlie9 fermis11 ferrel9 ferret9 ferric11 ferrum11 ferula9 ferule9 fervid13 fervor12 fifers12 gaffer13 gaufer10 gofers10 goffer13 golfer10 gowfer13 heifer12 hoofer12 huffer15 infere9 infers9 knifer13 liefer9 lifers9 loafer9 naffer12 naifer9 niffer12 offers12 pilfer11 prefer11 puffer14 reefer9 refers9 rolfer9 roofer9 suffer12 surfer9 telfer9 titfer9 twofer12 wafers12 wafery15 wolfer12 woofer12 wowfer15 yferes12 zaffer21 alferez19 aquafer19 aquifer19 biffers15 Show more ...
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