Exemption is valid Scrabble Word

Is exemption a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is exemption valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EXEMPTION in dictionary:

Words related to EXEMPTION


Words that contain EXEMPTION


How to use EXEMPTION in a sentence

Similar words containing EMP without suffix tion and without prefix ex

empt8 hemp11 kemp12 temp8 dempt10 empts9 empty12 hemps12 hempy15 kemps13 kempt13 kempy16 nempt9 tempi9 tempo9 temps9 tempt9 coempt12 empale10 empare10 emparl10 empart10 empery13 empire10 employ13 empted11 empusa10 empuse10 exempt17 hempen13 hempie13 kemped15 kemper14 kemple14 semper10 semple10 sempre10 temped11 tempeh13 temper10 temple10 tempos10 tempts10 empath13 attempt11 benempt13 bynempt16 coempts13 dirempt12 empaire11 empaled12 empaler11 empales11 empanel11 empared12 empares11 emparls11 emparts11 empathy17 empayre14 empeach16 emperce13 emperor11 empight15 empires11 empiric13 emplace13 emplane11 employe14 employs14 emplume13 emporia11 empower14 empress11 emprise11 emprize20 emptied12 emptier11 empties11 emptily14 empting12 emptins11 emption11 empusas11 empuses11 empyema16 exempla18 exemple18 exempts18 hempier14 hempies14 kempers15 kempier15 kemping16 kemples15 lempira11 pemphix23 preempt13 riempie11 sempler11 stempel11 stemple11 tempehs14 tempera11 tempers11 tempest11 temping12 templar11 templed12 temples11 templet11 tempore11 tempted12 tempter11 tempura11 unkempt15 uptempo13 attemper12 attempts12 coemploy17 coempted15 contempo14 contempt14 dempster13 dirempts13 empacket18 empaired13 empaires12 empalers12 empaling13 empanada13 empanels12 emparing13 emparled13 emparted13 empathic17 empatron12 empayred16 empayres15 empeople14 emperced15 emperces14 emperies12 emperise12 emperish15 emperize21 emperors12 emphases15 emphasis15 emphatic17 empierce14 empights16 empirics14 emplaced15 emplaces14 emplaned13 emplanes12 empleach17 emplonge13 employed16 employee15 employer15 employes15 emplumed15 emplumes14 empoison12 empolder13 emporium14 empowers15 empresse12 emprises12 emprizes21 emptiers12 emptiest12 emptings13 emptions12 emptying16 emptyses15 emptysis15 empurple14 empyemas17 empyemic19 empyeses15 empyesis15 empyreal15 empyrean15 exemplar19 exemples19 exemplum21 exempted20 hempiest15 hemplike19 hempseed16 hempweed19 kempiest16 kempings17 lempiras12 misdempt15 nonempty15 obtemper14 pemphigi18 preempts14 reemploy15 retemper12 riempies12 semplest12 semplice14 sempster12 stempels12 stemples12 temperas12 tempered13 temperer12 tempests12 tempings13 templars12 template12 templets12 temporal12 tempters12 tempting13 tempuras12 untemper12 uptempos14 ademption14 atemporal13 attempers13 attempted14 attempter13 benempted16 chempaduk23 coemploys18 coempting16 coemption15 contemper15 contempts15 dempsters14 destemper14 dirempted15 disemploy17 distemper14 empackets19 empaestic15 empairing14 empanadas14 empaneled14 empanoply18 emparling14 emparting14 empathies16 empathise16 empathist16 empathize25 empatrons13 empayring17 empeached19 empeaches18 empennage14 empeopled16 empeoples15 empercing16 emperised14 emperises13 emperized23 emperizes22 emphasise16 emphasize25 emphatics18 emphlyses19 emphlysis19 emphysema21 empierced16 empierces15 empighted18 empirical15 emplacing16 emplaning14 emplaster13 emplastic15 emplecton15 emplectum17 emplonged15 emplonges14 employees16 employers16 employing17 empluming16 empoisons13 empolders14 emporiums15 empowered17 empresses13 emptiable15 emptiness13 emptional13 emptyings17 empurpled16 empurples15 empyemata18 empyreans16
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