Excited is valid Scrabble Word

Is excited a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is excited valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EXCITED in dictionary:

Words related to EXCITED

excite15 excitedly22 excitedness21 excites16 exciting18

Words that contain EXCITED

excitedly22 unexcited19 preexcited22 excitedness21 overexcited24 unexcitedly24 hyperexcited30 photoexcited27 excitednesses23 overexcitedly29

How to use EXCITED in a sentence

Similar words containing CIT without suffix ed and without prefix ex

cit5 cite6 cito6 cits6 city9 cital7 cited8 citer7 cites7 fecit10 licit7 recit7 tacit7 accite10 cecity13 citals8 citers8 citess8 cither11 citied9 cities8 citify14 citing9 citola8 citole8 citral8 citric10 citrin8 citron8 citrus8 cityfy17 dacite9 elicit8 excite15 incite8 lucite8 placit10 recite8 recits8 accited12 accites11 ascites9 ascitic11 brucite11 calcite11 cecitis11 citable11 citadel10 citator9 cithara12 cithern12 cithers12 cithren12 citizen18 citolas9 citoles9 citrals9 citrate9 citrine9 citrins9 citrons9 citrous9 citrusy12 cittern9 dacites10 deficit13 dulcite10 edacity13 elicits9 exciter16 excites16 exciton16 excitor16 illicit9 incited10 inciter9 incites9 laicity12 leucite9 licitly12 lucites9 miscite11 opacity14 outcity12 paucity14 placita11 placits11 raucity12 recital9 recited10 reciter9 recites9 siccity14 solicit9 tacitly12 tricity12 uncited10 unicity12 zincite18 acciting13 aduncity14 analcite10 anticity13 astucity13 atrocity13 audacity14 basicity15 boracite12 brucites12 caducity16 caecitis12 calcites12 calcitic14 capacity17 cecities12 circiter12 citadels11 citation10 citators10 citatory13 citeable12 citesses10 citharas13 citherns13 cithrens13 citified14 citifies13 citizens19 citrange11 citrated11 citrates10 citreous10 citrines10 citrinin10 citruses10 citrussy13 citterns10 cityfied17 cityfies16 cityward17 citywide17 conicity15 cubicity17 deficits14 dicacity16 dulcites11 dulcitol11 elicited11 elicitor10 excitant17 exciters17 exciting18 excitons17 excitors17 explicit19 fascitis13 felicity16 feracity16 ferocity16 fugacity17 furacity16 helicity16 implicit14 incitant10 inciters10 inciting11 ionicity13 kamacite16 lecithin13 leucites10 leucitic12 megacity16 minacity15 miscited13 miscites12 oscitant10 oscitate10 placitum14 precited13 pudicity16 pumicite14 rapacity15 recitals10 reciters10 reciting11 reincite10 sagacity14 salacity13 scarcity15 sericite10 sodicity14 solicits10 solicity13 taciturn10 telicity13 tenacity13 tonicity13 toxicity20 velocity16 veracity16 vivacity19 voracity16 zincites19 ampacity17 alecithal14 analcites11 ascitical13 atomicity16 atonicity14 boracites13 capacitor15 cecitises13 citations11 citharist14 citifying18 citigrade13 citizenly23 citizenry23 citranges12 citrinins11 cityfying21 cityscape18 clericity16 cloacitis13 clonicity16 complicit17 cyclicity21 dulcitols12 dulcitude13 duplicity17 edacities12 eliciting12 elicitors11 ethnicity17 excitable20 excitably23 excitancy23 excitants18 excitedly22 excitonic20 explicits20 facticity19 febricity19 feliciter14 iconicity16 illicitly14 implicity18 incitable13 incitants11 intercity14 intracity14 kamacites17 laicities11 lecithins14 licitness11 loquacity23 lubricity16 mendacity17 mendicity17 misciting14 mordacity17 multicity16 omphacite18 opacities13 oscitance13 oscitancy16 oscitated12 oscitates11 outcities11 paucities13 pepticity18 phenacite16 placitory16 pollucite13 precocity18 predacity17 preexcite20 procacity18 publicity18 pugnacity17 pumicites15 quercitin20 raucities11 recitable13 reincited12 reincites11 rhoticity17 rusticity14 scolecite13 septicity16 sequacity23 sericites11 sericitic13 siccities13 solicited12 solicitor11 supercity16 suscitate11 tacitness11 tacticity16
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