Ending is valid Scrabble Word

Is ending a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ending valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ENDING in dictionary:

Words related to ENDING

end4 ended7 endings9 ends5

Words that contain ENDING

bending11 endings9 fending12 hending12 lending9 mending11 pending11 rending9 sending9 tending9 vending12 wending12 amending12 bendings12 blending12 emending12 lendings10 mendings12 scending12 sendings10 shending13 spending12 stending10 teending10 trending10 unending10 upending12 vendings13 accending15 appending15 ascending13 attending11 bendingly16 blendings13 defending15 depending14 expending20 extending18 friending14 impending15 intending11 nonending11 obtending13 offending17 relending11 remending13 resending11 spendings13 unbending13 upsending13 yshending17 attendings12 bartending14 bookending18 commending18 contending14 descending15 dispending15 distending13 forfending18 forlending15 friendings15 missending14 mistending14 miswending17 perpending16 portending14 prehending17 pretending14 propending16 protending14 reamending14 reblending14 subtending14 suspending14 unbendings14 unendingly15 weekending19 befriending18 coattending15 coextending22 contendings15 defriending17 dependingly19 descendings16 forefending19 forelending16 forspending18 goaltending14 misspending17 outspending15 overlending16 reascending15 reoffending19 resplending15 unattending13 unbendingly18 undepending16 unfriending16 unoffending19 vilipending18 Show more ...

How to use ENDING in a sentence

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