Emirs is valid Scrabble Word

Is emirs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is emirs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EMIRS in dictionary:

Words related to EMIRS


How to use EMIRS in a sentence

Similar words containing IR without suffix s and without prefix em

air3 fir6 ire3 irk7 kir7 mir5 pir5 sir3 airn4 airs4 airt4 airy7 amir6 bird7 birk10 birl6 biro6 birr6 cire6 cirl6 coir6 dire5 dirk9 dirl5 dirt5 emir6 fair7 fire7 firk11 firm9 firn7 firs7 flir7 gair5 gird6 girl5 girn5 giro5 girr5 girt5 hair7 heir7 hire7 ired5 ires4 irid5 iris4 irks8 iron4 jird12 keir8 kirk12 kirn8 kirs8 lair4 leir4 lira4 lire4 liri4 lirk8 loir4 mair6 mire6 miri6 mirk10 miro6 mirs6 mirv9 miry9 muir6 nirl4 noir4 pair6 pirl6 pirn6 pirs6 puir6 sair4 seir4 shir7 sire4 siri4 sirs4 smir6 stir4 thir7 tire4 tirl4 tiro4 tirr4 vair7 vire7 virl7 wair7 weir7 whir10 wire7 wiry10 yird8 yirk11 Show more ...
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