Gird is valid Scrabble Word

Is gird a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is gird valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for GIRD in dictionary:

Words related to GIRD

girded9 girding10 girdingly15 girdings11 girds7 girr5 girt5 girted8 girting9

Words that contain GIRD

girds7 begird10 engird8 girded9 girder8 girdle8 ungird8 upgird10 begirds11 engirds9 girders9 girding10 girdled10 girdler9 girdles9 ungirds9 upgirds11 begirded13 begirdle12 engirded11 engirdle10 girdings11 girdlers10 girdling11 overgird13 ungirded11 upgirded13 begirding14 begirdled14 begirdles13 engirding12 engirdled12 engirdles11 girdingly15 overgirds14 undergird12 ungirding12 upgirding14 begirdling15 engirdling13 girdlecake18 overgirded16 undergirds13 girdlecakes19 girdlescone15 girdlestead14 overgirding17 undergirded15 girdlescones16 girdlesteads15 undergirding16

How to use GIRD in a sentence

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