Elm is valid Scrabble Word

Is elm a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is elm valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for ELM in dictionary:

Words related to ELM


Words that contain ELM

elms6 elmy9 helm9 yelm9 elmen7 helms10 pelma9 skelm11 whelm13 yelms10 elmier8 helmed12 helmer11 helmet11 pelmas10 pelmet10 schelm13 skelms12 unhelm11 whelms14 yelmed12 dishelm13 elmiest9 elmwood13 helmers12 helmets12 helming13 keelman13 keelmen13 pelmets11 reelman9 reelmen9 schelms14 unhelms12 whelmed16 yelming13 abelmosk16 dishelms14 elmwoods14 gavelman14 gavelmen14 helmeted14 helminth16 helmless13 helmsman15 helmsmen15 hotelman13 hotelmen13 pelmatic14 steelman10 steelmen10 unhelmed14 wheelman16 wheelmen16 whelming17 abelmosks17 bevelment16 bushelman16 bushelmen16 dishelmed16 flugelman15 flugelmen15 helmeting15 helminths17 kennelman15 kennelmen15 labelmate13 overwhelm20 pelmanism15 ranzelman20 ranzelmen20 ravelment14 revelment14 unhelming15 bevelments17 dishelming17 helmetings16 helmetlike19 helminthic20 labelmates14 overwhelms21 pelmanisms16 pompelmous18 propelment16 ravelments15 revelments15 steelmaker16 underwhelm19 unhelmeted16 helmetless15 apparelment17 embowelment20 empanelment17 helminthics21 helminthoid20 helminthous19 impanelment17 overwhelmed23 pampelmoose19 pampelmouse19 pompelmoose19 pompelmouse19 propelments17 steelmakers17 steelmaking18 underwhelms20 unravelment16 helmsperson18 anthelmintic19 apparelments18 dishevelment21 embowelments21 empanelments18 helmsmanship24 impanelments18 overwhelming24 pampelmooses20 pampelmouses20 pompelmooses20 pompelmouses20 steelmakings19 trochelminth22 underwhelmed22 unravelments17 helmspersons19 anthelminthic23 anthelmintics20 dishevelments22 helminthiases21 helminthiasis21 helminthology25 helmsmanships25 nemathelminth23 overwhelmings25 platyhelminth26 trochelminths23 underwhelming23 anthelminthics24 antihelminthic24 disembowelment24 flannelmouthed23 helminthologic25 nemathelminths24 overwhelmingly29 platyhelminths27 antihelminthics25 disembowelments25 helminthologies24 helminthologist24 middelmannetjie28 nemathelminthic27 platyhelminthic30

How to use ELM in a sentence

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