Decoration is valid Scrabble Word

Is decoration a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is decoration valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DECORATION in dictionary:

Words related to DECORATION

deccie11 decorations14 garnishry16

Words that contain DECORATION

decorations14 redecoration15 redecorations16 overdecoration20 overdecorations21

How to use DECORATION in a sentence

Similar words containing CORA without suffix tion and without prefix de

coral7 coram9 ancora8 corals8 coracle11 coralla9 coranto9 accorage13 coracles12 coracoid13 coraggio12 corallum12 coramine12 coranach15 corantos10 decorate11 accoraged15 accorages14 coracoids14 coralline11 corallite11 coralloid12 coralroot11 coralwort14 coramines13 coranachs16 corantoes11 decorated13 decorates12 decorator12 manticora13 stercoral11 coraggios13 accoraging16 coradicate15 coralbells14 coralberry17 corallines12 corallites12 coralroots12 coralworts15 decorating14 decorative16 decorators13 edulcorant13 edulcorate13 hydrocoral19 manticoras14 redecorate13 stercorary15 stercorate12 succorable16 coralloids13 coraciiform20 coralliform18 coralloidal14 decoratings15 decorations14 edulcorated15 edulcorates14 edulcorator14 hydrocorals20 redecorated15 redecorates14 redecorator14 stercorated14 stercorates13 undecorated15 coralberries16 corallaceous16 decoratively21 edulcorating16 edulcoration15 edulcorative18 edulcorators15 overdecorate18 redecorating16 redecoration15 redecorators15 stercoranism16 stercoranist14 stercoraries14 stercorating15 coralliferous18 coralligenous16 edulcorations16 overdecorated20 overdecorates19 redecorations16 stercoraceous17 stercoranisms17 stercoranists15 stercorarious15 unstercorated16 decorativeness20 hydrocoralline23 overdecorating21 overdecoration20 hydrocorallines24 overdecorations21 decorativenesse21 decorativenesses22
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