Corked is valid Scrabble Word

Is corked a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is corked valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for CORKED in dictionary:

Words related to CORKED

cork10 corking14 corks11 corky14

Words that contain CORKED

recorked15 uncorked15

How to use CORKED in a sentence

Similar words containing RK without suffix ed and without prefix co

ark7 erk7 irk7 arks8 bark10 berk10 birk10 bork10 burk10 cark10 cork10 dark9 dirk9 dork9 erks8 firk11 fork11 hark11 hork11 irks8 jark15 jerk15 kark12 kirk12 lark8 lirk8 lurk8 mark10 merk10 mirk10 murk10 nark8 nerk8 nork8 park10 perk10 pork10 rark8 sark8 serk8 turk8 wark11 work11 yark11 yerk11 yirk11 york11 zerk17 werk11 gurk9 arked10 awork12 barks11 barky14 berko11 berks11 birks11 borks11 burka11 burke11 burks11 carks11 chark14 chirk14 clerk11 corks11 corky14 darks10 darky13 dirke10 dirks10 dorks10 dorky13 firks12 forks12 forky15 harks12 horks12 irked10 jarks16 jerks16 jerky19 karks13 kerky16 kirks13 larks9 larky12 lirks9 lurks9 marka11 marks11 merks11 mirks11 mirky14 murks11 murky14 narks9 narky12 nerka9 nerks9 norks9 parka11 parki11 parks11 parky14 perks11 perky14 porks11 porky14 quark18 quirk18 rarks9 sarks9 sarky12 serks9 shark12 shirk12 smerk11 smirk11 snark9 spark11 spork11 stark9 stirk9 stork9 turks9 twerk12 warks12 works12 yarks12 yerks12 yirks12 yorks12 zerks18 arking11 arkite10 arkose10 barkan12 barked13 barken12 barker12 birken12 birkie12 boorka12 borked13 burkas12 burked13 burker12 burkes12 burkha15 bywork18 carked13 charka15 charks15 chirks15 clerks12 corker12 corkir12 darked12 darken11 darker11 darkey14 darkie11 darkle11 darkly14 debark13 demark13 dirked12 dirkes11 embark14 firked14 firkin13 forked14 forker13 furkid14 girkin11 harked14 harken13 horked14 horkey16 imbark14 impark14 inwork13 irking11 jerked18 jerker17 jerkin17 karked15 kirked15 korkir14 larked11 larker10 lirked11 lurked11 lurker10 markas12 marked13 marker12 market12 markka16 markup14 merkin12 mirker12 morkin12 murked13 murker12 murkly15 narked11 nerkas10 parkas12 parked13 parkee12 parker12 parkie12 parkin12 parkis12 parkly15 perked13 perkin12 porked13 porker12 quarks19 quirks19 quirky22 rarked11 recork12 remark12 repark12 reperk12 rework13 sharks13 shirks13 sirkar10 smerks12 smirks12 smirky15 snarks10 snarky13 sparke12 sparks12 sparky15 sporks12 squark19 starks10 stirks10 storks10 turkey13 turkis10 twerks13 unbark12 uncork12 unwork13 warked14 worked14 worker13 workup15 yarked14 yerked14 yirked14 yorked14 yorker13 yorkie13 harkle13 airpark13 arkites11 arkoses11 arkosic13 artwork14 autarky14 barkans13 barkeep15 barkens13 barkers13 barkhan16 barkier13 barking14 berserk13 bidarka14 birkier13 birkies13 boorkas13 borking14 bourkha16 bulwark16 burkers13 burkhas16 burking14 burkini13 burkite13 byworks19 carking14 charkas16 charked17 charkha19 chirked17 chirker16 clarkia13 clerked14 clerkly16 corkage14
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