Colored is valid Scrabble Word

Is colored a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is colored valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for COLORED in dictionary:

Words related to COLORED

color7 coloreds11 coloring11 colors8 coloured11

Words that contain COLORED

coloreds11 bicolored14 decolored13 recolored12 uncolored12 discolored14 miscolored15 noncolored13 tricolored13 unicolored13 overcolored17 varicolored17 noncoloreds14 multicolored17 versicolored18 particolored17

How to use COLORED in a sentence

Similar words containing LOR without suffix ed and without prefix co

lor3 flor7 lord5 lore4 lorn4 lory7 blore7 color7 dolor6 flora8 flors8 flory11 glory9 loral5 loran5 lords6 lordy9 lorel5 lores5 loric7 loris5 lorry8 milor7 slorm7 valor8 bailor8 blores8 calory11 colors8 colory11 dolors7 florae9 floral9 floras9 floret9 florid10 florin9 galore7 gloria7 jailor13 lorans6 lorate6 lorcha11 lorded8 lordly10 loreal6 lorels6 lorica8 lorics8 lories6 loring7 loriot6 milord9 milors8 pallor8 parlor8 pelory11 pylori11 sailor6 samlor8 slorms8 splore8 tailor6 unlord7 valors9 lorner6 bailors9 bicolor11 caloric11 calorie9 chloral12 chloric14 chlorid13 chlorin12 colorer9 decolor10 deplore10 explore16 fahlore13 florals10 floreat10 florets10 florier10 florins10 florist10 floruit10 florula10 florule10 forlore10 forlorn10 galores8 glorias8 gloried9 glories8 glorify14 implore11 jailors14 kilorad12 lorchas12 lording9 Show more ...
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